Techniques that everyone loves but meh you out?

"Fuck retro anything
Fuck your tattoos
Fuck all you junkies and
Fuck your short memories

Learn to swim, learn to swim
Learn to swim, learn to swim"

Fuck your techniques and fuck your kazoos

I added that last one… :smiley:


I disagree. So these people that enjoy doing this are irrelevant?

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The Introduction.

Nothing says lack of material like a long, layered introduction. Some electronic musicians have taken the introduction to its logical extreme by creating entire tracks using the un-muting techniques typically found in introductions. Yawn.


After going to Printworks at the weekend, I was amazed how often this was used and abused. Of course I’ve done this Djing and playing live… but I’m not taking myself too seriously and not when it (taking the piss) is done so well.
But I did find the frequency it was used on Saturday was actually off-putting. Colin Benders, Octave One, Dax J and Ritchie Hawtin were excellent…

Naming projects , patterns and sounds with remotely sensible names.

More challenging to type random letters or leave as defaults , it makes returning to things months later more of a game.


Using succulents in gear videos like you’re some kinda Martha Stewart of ambient synthesis.


Before instrument mutes, they just used mixers as an instrument :slight_smile:


Using Flex Machines super often on Octatrack.

I feel like there is so much value in the OT’s Static and Pickups that Flex is often an in-between that does barely anything better than either for my personal workflow. Also, I love to keep lots of RAM to sample into.

I assume it probably depends a lot on what you want the OT to do. I think Flex is wonderful for live resampling. I just don’t do much of that.

hahahaha I spilt coffee :laughing:

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People who sit on the floor legs crossed, especially modular stuff. Like your some kind of Zen child at one with the universe. Even worse cross legged in the woods or on top of a mountain.


10k of modular nonsense in a forest/ cliff top/ snow/ football match / hockey ice ring.
i dont get it…


Next video I make I’m going to stage a beer can overflowing with cig butts and a diner plate crusted with old Mac n cheese and some pizza crust strewn about.

I’m an artist.


What’s to get? If you’re making a video of your art in the first place, why not accent it with an interesting location? How does that hurt the art, the viewer, the listener? Just my opinion of course.

I also liked Charlotte de Witte’s set on the Ferrari track with Ferraris flying past her. Why the hell not. Especially in the case of electronic music, decadence is a part of the very artform and its background.


The technique that’s meh-ing me out right now? Creating music in the face of the onslaught which is The Elden Ring. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m just pissy pants butt hurt that everyone of my techniques are mentioned at least once in this topic.


i saw that video, it didnt look like she was actually doing anything with all that gear…

but she was likely paid to dj, more than ive ever been.

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Ring mod. Is it supposed to sound like empty beer cans being ground down by a series of ISDN modems?


Well, it depends, but yeah. I prefer a good vinyl set to digital sets (also depending on the digital gear involved I guess). I like Richie Hawtin’s digital sets, using laptop, drum machine, and whatever spinning media he’s using at the time. More fun to watch Tigerhead or Dr. Rubenstein play vinyl though. A nice live gear set is fine too really. I think I’d prefer cliffside to bedroom, but that’s a matter of taste I guess. I’ve got preferences of course, but I don’t really dislike anyone out doing their thing, unless maybe it’s one of those fake sets, where the guy’s hand is like three inches off the knob he’s pretending to turn.

Unless it’s telekinesis, and then that’s REALLY impressive :wink:

How about playing over a river with a dancer hanging below you, using mixed gear, synths, and instruments?

Music isn’t exactly my style, but she’s good at it.

Agree with you. Really cool pairing of concepts. Although I feel they missed an amazing opportunity to have the Ferraris blaze past her when the first kick beat dropped. Plus cameras in the car and Charlotte in racing gear would have been sick.

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