Temperature of the Heat unit when sitting turned on (idle)

Hi - Haven’t really used it much yet (yeah, waiting for Overbridge too), but I was just wondering, since I have had the AH turned on for a few hours now, just idle, not using it for anything.

It feels rather warm, like almost the temperatur I would still drink my coffee at. Warm is the word here, not hot as in melting stuff. Still, is this normal? Even if not used for anything (yet).

Yes that’s normal, don’t worry.

Whilst waiting for OB readiness you could use it like an electric blanket, keep you warm at night.

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That’s the analog nature of the beast! Warmth is good. My Rytm gets really warm, too, and that’s when the magic happens! Rytm and Heat, being analog as they are, both get quite a bit warmer than the OT.

Ah ok thanks guys, no worries then ^^

No problemo. But if you dont’ use it during hours you can turn it off :sleeping: