That Syntakt Sound

Its the synth engines from the cycles. Hard to get away from that sound.


I haveā€¦

I want to addā€¦
It may be that the obvious is being jumped on as itā€™s the most accessible. Thatā€™s why after a few months of poking and prodding, there may be some discoveries.

Time will tell.

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Yeah I think people can escape the samey thing if they want to, cycles kind of had the same vibe where you had to wrestle with some of the machines if you wanted to break away from the built in character of it. I think audio rate lfo to amp was one if the best ways atleast on cycles but yeah certain machines are hard to break away from the core aesthetic of the sound. Clearly plenty of tools here so a part of it is just how the machine naturally guides people in a certain direction.


Fortunately they have it so easy to fix over time this ā€œsame soundā€ it has, at least on the digital partā€¦ please add more synthesis types!!


Iā€™m right there with you m8.

It feels like the timbres are there, I just need to learn how to coax them out

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About the ā€˜ā€˜samey soundā€™ā€™, I would say that most of the time, the first jams from people are to get acquainted with the device. So, they donā€™t go into exploration territory. With time, gems will emerge.


The hi hats thoā€¦.ā€™cringeā€™


Elektron: please add the bass width filter to the analog machines. Too many similar frequencies occupying the same space when doing kicks, basses, and low register sequences. Want to clean all that up

But yea. ST sounds incredible to me


Agreed. Idk what it is about it, but they sound so lifeless

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I think most drum machines throughout time have been pretty ā€œsamey.ā€ I donā€™t know how else you would describe 808 or linndrum.


Wouldnā€™t that require an update to the hardware ? Not sure, but to me it seems likely that it would.

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I think context is key here.

Many folks are using it to replace another 1 or 2 pieces of gear, and fully using the 12 tracks, working to push it as an all-in-one solution for tracks.
And so weā€™re hearing a lot of solo, unmastered jams. Those single box, dry with no processing, jams sounding samey, regardless of genre or style, this is a phenomenon that is not unique to the Syntakt.

You can also hear sameness in unprocessed jams that use only Digitone, or Model Cycles, Machinedrum, SP-404, etc.

Start mixing in other gear, some processing, and thatā€™s when peopleā€™s individual style will begin to shine.

Just adding some Ableton FX + sampled hats got me to push the Syntakt well out of its pre-conceived boundaries:


ā€¦not hittin man. :frowning:

not all gear is for everyone, right? :+1:t6:

Iā€™m not arguing with your point. Iā€™m not refuting you. Iā€™m agreeing with you. And Iā€™m giving you the reasons why.


Can we not just have one Syntakt thread that isnā€™t hijacked by people who donā€™t own a Syntakt talking about how shit they think it is?

We get it, itā€™s not for you.

Move on.


I know the reason. I know there is all kinds of manipulation one can do as part of the process.
re DT DN Cycles, I hear what yer saying. but part of the reason it was easier for me to sell those than say the OT. something about what is coming out is mushy. or too subbyā€¦I dunno. but even with all the processing, something just doesnt werk.

by inferring lack of context is a wee bit of a dig. the sounds are the sounds. thats all the context my ears need.

I mean an SH-101 sounds SO samey all the time. but it doesnt affect me the same way.

all I was getting at is currently its just not clicking with me. why I added, i am still looking forward to what you guys can wrangle out of it.

again, not all gear suits all ears. just so happens this go around didnt fit with me. but I am just one person. I AM, however allowed to have a POV re: the gearā€¦yes? :slight_smile: :+1:t6:

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hehā€¦youve been in the spot im in, and I where you are.

I thought it was okay to discuss pros and cons. no?
part of a back and forthā€¦is replies. it IS a topic re: the sound. it would be kinda dull if it was all just gushing. maybe not :frowning:


Yeah, sorry, didnā€™t mean to be a knob, but it feels like every thread is getting bogged down with this shit.


this was just my first observation holmes. im in NO way dismissing it. its my current position.

the box is new. and im certain people will twist the shit out of it. and perhaps, JUST PERHAPS, some comments may influence some updates. cuz YOU KNOW there will be a couple. how sweet would it be to get the compressor, or diff synth algo people suggest? :wink:

discusions can lead to things sometimesā€¦

[dont think I wouldnā€™t liked to have ordered one :slight_smile: im just broke AF and signed on the NGNY and will stick to my commitment. thats just how I am]


I have no idea what it would take to make it happen tbh. Itā€™d be nice if it did happen though