That Syntakt Sound

That was pretty special. Subbed.

I quite enjoy that one, although I think from around 2min on when that metal machine comes in is probably exactly what people are talking about when they say it is ā€œsameyā€ just because it is really easy to place that sonic fingerprint with Cycles/ST. I dunno its not necessarily a bad thing in my book but I think if someone plans on using ST standalone all the time it is possibly something to think about.

I was thinking about it more and I think it comes down to distinct textural elements being placeable. More neutral texture often is a more reusable something like a nice bass patch is often great to come back to in new songs but a crunchy atonal sounds at least for me are often something I want to make quite original to each song.


the bass IS sickā€¦im a bass whoreā€¦and it PUNCHES. but those hatsā€¦THOSE HAAAATSSSSS and the shhnare [not a typo]
ya I kinda liked them insta vids. :slight_smile:

I would love this thing for the bass. deep AF. ive got 8 months to keep listening.

@SouvlakiPlaystation as hard as ive werked to get my piano to sound like a guitarā€¦I JUST cant do it :frowning:


So you need to use 3 tracks to make the hats sound good. That just demonstrates how bad the hats really are!


I think its a bit of a waste to have a digital drum synth that wont let you do decent hats. Its different when its analog as the circuits are already there, but digital?..


I kinda like those hats, sue me.


@harmonyinultra, liker of the hats, youā€™ve just been served.


On some of @adamjayā€™s demos, the hats were my favorite part. Hope itā€™s ok that some folks like different sounds


I reckon much like with the Cycles (and most gear tbh) if you use the sounds straight out of the box itā€™ll more than likely sound like a demo.

bringing the machines to different territory is where they shine imo. tho of course as has been mentioned everyone has different taste in sounds so ultimately whatever u like is fine.


Yeah, I donā€™t know what all the fuzz is about regarding the hat hatred on the ST. The analog hats sound very nice, and the utility noise is rather flexible for creating shaker sounds and the like. The digital hat machine is a bit weird and the sweet spot for a typical hat sound is rather narrow. So far, Iā€™ve been using this machine more for one shot FX, as it can go pretty crazy with filter envelopes and the two LFOs. The sy bits engine provides a wide variety of noise which can be abused for all kinds of different hat sounds.
If you want to replicate the exact sound of a 909 hat or something, then I guess a sampler or a 909 replica might suit you better than the ST.


I donā€™t want to replicate a 909 hats, I have a TR-8S for that. I just donā€™t like the sound of the Rytm/Syntakt hihat machines. They actually sound annoying to my ears after a while.

Iā€™m not one of these people that want the ST to be a sampler, but maybe just on track 12 it would be good to have a sample machine available. This wouldnā€™t affect DT sales as it would be limited to loading (not sampling) one sampling only, but would allow us to use at least one sample on the ST. Good for loading a sampled hihat, but also for layering a sampled kick with the Analog kick machine or even loading a vocal chop or something.


I think it is fair to say it has a sound character which when used in isolation can be apparent, at least from the stuff I have heard from it.

I think there are degrees of character variation possible in gear, some gear is wide, almost limitless, some gear is narrow and focussed and some gear is in the middle, I think this is where ST and most Elektron gear sits.

Personally I like to have some one trick ponies, some wide scope stuff, and some in the middle ground gear. The best for me is a combination of stuff, as that tends to keep me from getting bored.

Also stuff that has an easily identifiable character is easier to make a purchasing decision on, if I donā€™t like the sound after hearing 10 different people doing different stuff with it, it probably is not for me.

As I have a MC and AR the ST does not currently fill a need for me, but if I decide to simplify my set up, then I think getting rid of MC and AR and replacing with ST would be a fairly good cross grade.


Wait ā€¦ compare the analog sounds of the AR with the ST before selling the AR.

Having both compared I would say that the ST may not replace the AR sound-wise. IMO the AR circuits have more depth, punch, and versatility, particularly on the BD machine.


Good to know, although it was not in my plans to do it at present anyway.

Also I donā€™t enjoy the Digi/ST size boxes, I find them a bit cramped, I think models feels better in that regard.

To my ears they sound very similar, except it seems easier to find sweet spots on the ST. Not sure why.


I agree

I have ARmk2 MC and Syntakt and i found the ergonomics of MC and AR much better

I am returning Syntakt, I donā€™t like it much


In think the Amp envelopes are still digital (no extra VCA) for the analog parts (except analog fx block). Also the effect sends and routings are individual. This means each analog voice gets digitized (has an individual A/D converter) after its analog filter, the rest it processed in software. So in principle another digital filter should be possible.


Decided to chime in on the ā€œthat sound ā€œ conversation. The fact we are here discussing it, means it is objectively there. This sound made me sell my MC in the first week I got it. Was kind of disappointed to hear it on the ST, but at least it helped me realize what I really like, namely my Digitakt :wink: Saying that, I know that a box like the ST will give birth to the next Sophie - someone who bends it to its limits, inventing a completely new sound universe.


First demo to get me excited!

Not because it necessarily achieves the Skrillex ā€˜dubstepā€™ sound, but because it shows that thereā€™s a world of noise out there by pushing the machines a bit. That little riser at 0:24 tickled my brain like SOPHIE tracks usually do. Lots of great metallic snares and squelches too.


Agree to some point. But the AR has a compressor, though ā€¦ maybe somebody can tell us about the similarity of the analog circuits.

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