That Syntakt Sound

To me, it sounds underwhelming. Not hating, just saying. I’d go for Digikeys or even digitone.

They mentioned somewhere in one of the launch videos that they’ve been tweaked a bit. Dvco has better pitch tracking than the rytm for example as it was a planned machine this time rather than a fun upgrade added after the fact.


ok one more hat[?] mode

these little exercises im giving myself are really helping me to appreciate machines ive previously kind of neglected. im now a fan of CY ALLOY:

(i think it sounds best near the end)

and i am remembering that “CY CLASSIC” on the rytm was actually pretty nice for more metallic hats

on another note, the kicks rule. i knew i loved the cycles bd but every single one of the kick machines here are so incredibly good

maybe next time i’ll do a syntakt cover of “Everlong”

i also attempted a rendition of atticus ross & trent reznor’s “Consummation” from Gone Girl

for fun


yesssssssssssss … Syntakt Kicks … 3:-)


It’s going in the right direction

I’m a bit deaf at the minute, my ears are all blocked up with COVID, so you’ll have to excuse the mix a bit.


wow, that‘s big! Very nice.

btw: get well soon.

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Needs a lot of work, but I think it demonstrates pretty well how big it can sound.

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Maybe you mean CP Vintage?

Yea , there are some seriously good hat possibilities with CP.

That tune parameter on the synth page is like a third filter. And the pnch is great for p-locking to get some accents. Crank the overdrive, shave the attack in ADSR mode, and get busy.

Hats from CP Vintage: (skip to end for 16th notes)


Belter :loud_sound::loud_sound::loud_sound:

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There are good noise snare/hats.
Haven’t heard it on Syn yet. Squishy.

adding: starting to hear some cool shit. keep digging

CY Alloy*, my mistake. Its a nice one

Nice hats, btw

@phaelam I don’t know which sounds you’re referring to specifically, but I should say that if any of my sounds influenced this opinion; my whole sound design style is pretty squishy

I like “wet”, less “digital” sounds. And I use a ridiculous amount of filtering on most things, so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t tainting the sample pool

It does feel like you’d offer up your negative impressions regardless, so not sure there’s anything I can say to change that

Not at all man. Not fair for you to say that.
I’m a big Elektron advocate.

Alright I take it back. It’s understandable to voice your opinion in this thread, sorry

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I love Octatrack sound… :slight_smile:

I would really like to try a Syntakt. I just can’t afford to :confused:


I think I understand the criticism. But objectively, I was prepared to be disappointed. The last thing I wanted was another Elektron drum machine. But I honestly love this thing more and more every day.

I know the elektron synths always have either a limited sound or a certain timbre that’s hard to get away from, but generally they can always sound really good in the right hands. And this one has a lot of potential to sound incredible. All the tools are there, and the variety of sound design tools available is wider than any other Elektron box I’ve ever owned


To be fair, I’d had a bit of a go at @phaelam earlier in the thread too, but his responses have really been about a general enthusiasm for the Syntakt and a hope that the apparent shortcomings can be overcome by people getting stuck in.


I have tinnitus so my ears are probably bad, but this machine sounds like a keeper to me. Haven’t read the manual yet but I’m enjoying the initial surface-level digging I’ve done so far.


Despite his title…it’s more of a why you SHOULD buy it :wink:

again…I would like to try one day :crossed_fingers:t6:


I honestly can’t wait to hear what you can do with one, I think it’d be a pretty bloody powerful weapon in your hands.


It’s from the manual for real? If so, this is really one of the worst marketing bla bla I’ve ever encountered.

As much as I like the Elektron sequencer, the sound of all the boxes I owned (AR mk1, A4 mk1, OT, DN) were not worth the price tag. I feel the same with ST, judging from the videos I watched.