The AABA Challenge: Let’s Make Bad Music!

Asimov is a tune. Is th3 DB-01 playing the riff? Sounds great.

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Just went down the Prefuse 73 rabbit hole. Good stuff! Now I think I need a turntable. Fortunately I have no room on my desk.

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It is and it does.

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Enjoyed the music, thanks for sharing.

I actually like the visuals too. What do you use for those?

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Thanks for listening.

I just use a shitty app on my phone for the visuals.


Love it :smile:

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Miserable gits make great music, it’s confirmed!

I think these fit very much a theme while still having huge variation in feeling: they would go greatly in an album (I should check your bandcamp at some point) or in a concert!!! That banger after the dronish one surely would make me move.


Agreed and I try to remind myself of this. I find it’s easy to over-work something to the point that it begins to lose the initial energy and spontaneity.

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I like the RPM challenge for this. Focus on just doing 10 songs this month. Then in March I can fiddle with workflows and try to find sound in my head with new ideas.

So here’s my contribution. Made using the Model:Cycles, which i’ve been struggling to fully like the harsh sound since I got it a few weeks back. The only machines I like are Chords/Tone/Kick…I guess that’s half way there though :smiley: . Anyway, after mainly dispensing turds for the 1st few sessions with it, last night I found my sweet spot and quickly pushed this puppy out (other sweets spots available):


Awesome stuff, so minimal but still captivating and interesting.

Loved the deep vibes on the first one: that bassline, then followed by those pads, just before the end - awesome!

Any thoughts on Polyend Tracker vs OT? I would say the first track is superior, it does seem like the OT did restrict your second track - am I seeing things? The elements appearing on the first one just kept it going interestingly, I wouldn’t say the same happened on the second one.

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Of course, I misread the title as “ABBA” and was about to reply with something like, “who gave bad rap about my Dancing Queen??” Then… :sweat_smile:

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That’s the best description I’ve heard. That’s where I’m at with music right now. I get inspiration in droplets

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Its so true you have to write a lot.

This is an awesome project! :clap:

Unsolicited thoughts:

Track 2 - Love the Lofi groove

Track 4 - Needs to be in some Kung fu movie where the main character is walking down a dimly lit street thinking of avenging their murdered xyz friend or family member lol

Track 5 - Very awesome and trans Siberian indeed

Songs appeared more complex in a good way with each one from 1-5 so it sounds like you are achieving your goal of learning / growing through each one. Well done!

Would love to take this project on myself, similar kid issues like the rest but going to try! Thanks for sharing it

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Hi, Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it. Ironically, I like the OT track more, but maybe because it felt like more of an accomplishment? Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy with how both turned out. I’d say both Tracker and OT are capable of a lot, and they both have their own way of working. It’s similar, but different. The Tracker is a little bit easier to work with in creating patterns and the song mode really helped me with piecing together all the patterns into something more complete. Finally learning the OT’s arranger also proved to be a huge breakthrough (hint: it’s not tough at all, people).

To answer your question(s) though, I probably spent more time on the arrangement in song mode on the Tracker tune, so maybe that’s why it came across as more interesting. I would agree that the OT one is lacking a little bit, but I liked where it was going. I could probably go back and spend more time with it, but I was on a roll when making these two tunes, so I just wanted to get them out there. Cheers. Now time for me to listen to your tunes.

this is a great idea! i’ve been wanting to push myself to make more stuff on a consistent basis, i tried the against the clock approach of seeing how far i could get in 10 minutes which ended up being pretty fun.

these tracks are outstanding, @Fin25 Azimov is my favorite – the first time I’ve liked the sound of the Lyra on anything, and I really like it.

Do you have each box sequencing itself, or do you use a central sequencer?

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The title of this thread reminds me of advice I have my buddy that I have failed to utilize myself.

If you’re drained from actually making good music, switch things up by making the worst thing you possibly can.

My buddy actually did this- and it was an impressive track.

I’m going to have to make bad music this weekend

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If you need some inspiration, I’ve bookmarked this video in case I ever run out of ideas:

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