The Akai Rhythm Wolf lives!

That one doesn’t sound like a howling wolf to me but rather like a sleeping panda.

Anyways, thanks for posting. The rhythm wolf was a machine on my list.

Sounds awful - I’d get far more mileage from a Yamaha RY30, Kawai XD-5 or an R8 with a full card set.
Why anyone would opt for something like this over a Nord Drum 2 for example kind of baffles me but I digress.

I guess I can scratch that one of my “remember to check this out when it arrives” list. The interface looks fun/simple and inspiring, but the sounds are pretty meh… to my ears anyway.

That snare sounds terrible. Everything seems to be lacking “snap”. Perhaps this is a bad recording?

I have the Nord Drum 1 and LOVE IT. What a great unit. They can be had for $200ish on Ebay.

I’m keeping it on my list, but adding a distortion or compressor pedal to run the drums through. I think adding a bit of “drive” to them will improve them greatly.

i was expecting something way much better than this demo from something which was announced with a lot of fuzz (was it namm :confused: ) and delayed … this would have probably sold back in the days, but today…mmm, dunno…perhaps a good alternative
not really interested in getting one (what’s the price again?) but i though at least this would have had some extras. ok, the old analog drums sounds are back, so everyone tries to get a slice of what’s out there. but this is not even in the radar for me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (and i hope for them that they make better demos)
seems from the video that they’ve some sort of p-locks for the pitch?

Right, but something that is pretty cool is that it accepts clock in… And spits midi out, along with patterns and pads so it would be pretty handy if you wanted to clock drums of an lfo off something modular or like the ms 20 (which imho has the best lfo ever!
It’s a pretty handy utility module that happens to have some sounds tacked on…That’s how I look at it anyway… I will defo get one just to interface ms 20

If you were expecting more from Akai you might be high. I bet the builds even worse. Just go with the LXR for price point.

This is a Demo that is really showing the wolf’s potential :slight_smile:
Sorry but volcas (didn’t like them at the end) sound waaay better. Imo

I liked the percussion and the bass sound is OK (I heard some other demo audio before this and quite liked the low end on the filter - it’s a bit meh for acid but does good subs). The kick and the snare sound bad, although when yo hear him twiddling at the beginning there are some variations on the kick that sound better.

LXR is around 2x the price and you have to build it yourself or pay somebody. The Akai box was said to be priced at $200. That’s not terrible for a sequencer with some pads and external connectivity, so I can see possibilities for it. It’s also a lot more moddable than the Korg Volcas due to the larger size if you’re inclined that way.

Certainly not as good as I had hoped, but I don’t think it’s too bad considering the company hasn’t made anything analog for >20 years.

Kick sound is horrible and snare as well. I thing I am going for volca beats or mfb522 for cheap analog stuff.

if it’s priced at around $200 as anigbrowl says, then it’s a different story… :slight_smile:

i have to say, its a pretty tight little sequencer!

Yeah, I mean, for that price, you can stuff it in your carry-on and have something to play with on a long flight. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

this demo does sound terrible, In fact, when I go the the AKAI PRO youtube page it seems to be gone… maybe they realized how this was actually hurting them not helping them.

Apparently this is slated for sept, but akai usually runs late, so I would say this has probably at least three more months min for them to tweak.

Ill still check it out, but i’m skeptical.

Although if they keep that incredibly low price point… I might mess with it for the hell of it, even for some tom’s and another osc.

They should stick to controllers. I bet those pads feel great tho.

It’s hidden, if you watch it on YouTube you see from the description and security icons that it’s internal use only but the guy got permission to share the link. Also note this was recorded over a month ago. It’s the very first session with it, audio is just straight into a Mac book.

panda snore snare