The Behringer era

Let’s make a thread about Arturia’s Synthi game now…:hugs: Pretty interesting ethic behaviour…

At least B isn’t trying to hide its true nature whereas A are trying to be the good guys…

I distrust them almost equally !:rofl:

Interesting observation… I’ve worked for an IT service provider for many years where we largely ran a hosting business selling (renting) physical and virtual servers. Amazon and Microsoft quite literally came in and ‘stole’ the business. There’s no way for a 10MM/yr revenue company to compete with one that spends 800MM per quarter on new infrastructure alone. What we do now is very much different than what we were doing in 2005 or 2010.

The answer is, you don’t compete… you adapt and do something else. Almost every year some part of the business evaporates because of Amazon, Microsoft and Google, yet you move on and find something else. You stay in the same industry dealing with many of the same things, but you find other ways to make money. And that’s exactly what’ll happen here. Don’t make x0x, mono synth or other vintage clones that Behringer is doing. Now that it’s clear Uli is re-issuing the past, let him and don’t compete or you’re going to steam rolled. Create completely new and/or complimentary devices that are better and don’t necessarily need to compete on price.

Studio Electronics is a good example and yes, I know they’re ‘small’, but it illustrates a point. They create Moogs that aren’t really Moogs… and no one is screaming about how they ripped off Bob’s designs and ideas. They built their entire business off of Moog and have ventured into other areas incl. partnerships. I love SE and jesus if they ever build the ATC-X again they’ve got my money. Completely regret selling it off.

Anyway, I’m not trying to call you out or anything… quite the opposite. What you said resonated with me, because I live it practically every day, but you adapt, overcome and reinvent yourself.


And then Uli comes round, copies your new idea without even mentioning the originator, says he’s Robin Hood and you’ll have to start from zero again. Nice


I am not sure if Uli has ever called himself Robin Hood, but as an example of why capitalism can be a good thing, that could work.

Because of competition you can’t keep milking the same cow endlessly. Competition forces you to always innovate more, which is a good thing. It also brings prices down to sensible levels, which is again a good thing.

Yeah !..808,909,303… Not to be a d**** but repackaging the same s*** over and over again calling it new is part of capitalism…
Look at washing powders, they wash…
Then they wash more…
Then they wash whiter…
Then new formula…
Then white power max…
Then ultra white…
And so on…


Yeah, that’s competition for you and it keeps the prices down.

I can understand this point of view, but that is not mine… I think that you have to make choices and commit to them.
Having everything avaliable for everyone at every moment is a enormous mistake imho and lead to where ( as a specie )we are now…“Things” should cost, a lot more, and you have to consider many factors before getting it because it will prevail you from getting something else.
But that’s me…

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I’m genuinely curious where you got that 5% figure from. I bet that Moog, Behringer and most other synth manufacturers on the planet would love to know how they could build a synth for 5% of the retail price. I suspect that Behringer are closer to that percentage than Moog so by your own definition, Behringer are overpriced!

You suspect that a giant distributor as Behringer, with their aggressive pricing value propositions set to deliver volumes, sell each unit with a bigger margin than a “boutique” player?


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Well, that is daily business for a lot of areas out there. Be better or be cheaper than others, be aware, that someone comes around with money to throw on it…

It’s pretty well documented what the parts for a Minimoog cost.

I guess you are not the biggest fan of Uli Behringer, but he actually stated this while back at GS (source:

“Frankly, I never understood why someone would charge you US$ 4,000 for a minimoog, when the components just cost around US$ 200.”

Then again, arguing whether a monosynth is worth $4000 got tired a long time ago so I think we should probably just drop this subject. I get it - you hate Behringer and think it’s better to pay $4000 for a monosynth than let competitors into the market.

They’re are plenty of 3-osc synths that aren’t lazy, crass rip-off.

If you don’t include price of labor, shipping, rent, the distribution you don’t have the full picture.
With that mindset, Uli would make a killing in the perfume business.


Only if you open source it without the proper license and/or trademark. Happens in the software community every single day. Entire companies are built off of someone else’s code. I’m not commenting on the morality or ethics of it, but the fact that it is what it is.

More on the open source thing for those that don’t use FB

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May I add this : just because B isn’t alone in this boat…

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Yeah not surprised considering the whole MI/Freak thing, funny enough I don’t like Arturia stuff either, I remember all the usual youtubers fawning over the drumbrute saying how great it sounded, I thought it sounded crap :joy: I don’t like the sound of their synths either, although the brutes are analog to me they sound a bit stiff almost like a bad VA, IMHO.

I think what Behringer does help the hole market and at least us as customers. Push the established brands to be more innovative and bring the overall prices down. I dont see losers here and at least this how our economical system works also called competition. If they started to release expensive highend synths nobody will buy it because its from behringer.
Maybe no other way for them to get a food into the door of the synth market as to start with clones from couple of decades old designs, guys who cares happens every day everythere.