The Behringer era

I’m ok with cloning gear too as long as it is done for genuine reasons. And to be perfectly clear I don’t judge people for buying Behringer either, I’m a believer in freedom of choice, and I can definitely see the appeal of budget priced gear, but I also think it is ok for Behringer to be scrutinised and called out where needed. Some of my comments might not reflect this, but I do try to make it obvious when I’m just being a twat by use of smilies, etc.


I just read the alleged email exchange from Robin Whittle to Behringer, seems kind of obvious that making a deal between them would be impossible, and I think Robin was being a little ridiculous with his negotiations and expectations. Still doesn’t make going ahead with copying his mod right though.


since reading RW’s webpage since… wow, a long time ago. I’m not surprised. Very much on his own path

He also mods the Bass Bot v1.

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Ignoring any ethical arguments that this thread has raised, what’s the general consensus on all these Behringer recreations? Is the quality good? Do they sound good? Are they likely to last me for the next 10 years without dying?

Based on first impressions I’ve been happy with build quality on the whole. There are a few niggles here and there (octave switch on the Bodyssey doesn’t feel like it will stand up to much action) but apart from that I guess time will tell. Sound is pretty subjective and I think many discussions have been had over how close to the originals the clones sound. That’s a fair argument I guess but even when something deviates from the OG that doesn’t in itself make it bad sounding. My advice would be to find a shop with some of their gear on the shelf and give it a go if you can. I’ve got the Neutron, Model D, Bodyssey, and MS 1 and overall I’m happy with them. But again, that’s personal taste.


Then it doesn’t.

Rhino horns, slaves, stolen human organs. You can buy all these. They’re businesses. Only legislators and enforcers stand in the way. Capitalism is a system that regulates itself in ways, but ethics largely aren’t a driver.

I would say there is still a difference between illegal action, and action that some might find ethically questionable…

True of course, but for the purpose of this discussion we are talking about ordinary consumers and regulated businesses, not black market underworld stuff, which would still be a thing regardless of capitalism, right?

What I’m driving at is capitalism is only acceptable when checked by good laws and enforcement. Left unchecked it’s basically hell.

I think it’s right to scrutinise the laws/enforcement in the countries of manufacture, as that’s the real problem. Laws set the standard (more so than the practice of a particular manufacturer).


… which is what?

Agree, same for everything in modern society.

If you mean man-made systems we choose to live under for agreed net benefit … largely yes. If you actually mean everything in modern society … largely no.

Yes, man made systems, political, governmental, industrial, commercial, environmental, and so on.

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What are these laws you mention?

Taxes. And all laws that protect rights of employees, companies or consumers.

I think we have all of those so what’s the problem?

Who is we? Do you live and work in Zhongshan (for example)?

If there’s a ‘problem’ it’s that we’re not all equally protected by law and therefore exploited accordingly (something capitalism is really quite good at).

In this thread it is ok with running in circles and keeping telling other people the exact same arguments over and over. So have fun with this. I don’t, personally.

Now please avoid one-to-one “conversations” as they rarely bring something interesting to the whole community. In particular, use of the word “you” is often associated with sterile argument (that doesn’t convince neither the other person nor the potential public).

It would also be really appreciated not going too far in cynicism, passive agressive behavior or double-talk, if you can be asked such courtesy.


What does ^ this mean (in plain language)?

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