The Behringer era

Any reference there? I must have missed something, because I don’t understand anything in and about this video.

It looks like a semi-meh 3d render.
It has to be a insider joke, because it is not funny.

robin whittle…read his business arguments and @ehg take care of your wording, otherwise you get flagged in no time.

Peter Kirn is the editor of a blog called Create Digital Music, and has written about Behringer’s dubious business practices (although generally in an extremely neutral way).

“Cork sniffer” is a term for someone obsessed with high-end boutique music gear. The picture on the synth is a crude caricature of Kirn.

It’s basically just a puerile joke at Kirn’s expense, in an attempt to shut him up and deflect attention away from journalistic scrutiny of their business.


german humour i‘d say. Great.

Great, cool, very very very normal stuff here. A global corporation intimidating a journalist is just a bit of fun, but a couple of swear words on an internet forum are a moral outrage. Extremely correct opinions to hold there.


i wonder how much time and money was ploughed into this pathetic retaliation instead of synth and software development?


This is really dumb and makes them look genuinely bad … :rofl:


i can stand your points no matter what but we’ve been all there and its disgusting to read those personal offending lines all the time again and again. your message should be spread but it sounds a bit harsh in my opinion and trust me i won’t report it, but others. take care

I think you should reserve your “disgust” for the massive company harassing journalists, rather than the people criticising them for doing so, but it’s clear we’ve got slightly different ethical priorities here, I guess. I just hope the cheap synths are worth whatever karmic price you end up paying.


there seemed nothing wrong with Robin’s business arguments to me when I read the whole thing : a huge corporation was trying to play fast & loose with the Devilfish name at a knock down price. He wasn’t having it. No point re-living all that thread here though I guess.

As for Peter Kirn - well this is just corporate bullying.


For such a big company as Behringer and it’s (social media) following I find this very disturbing to be honest and really out of place… If this really is a cheap way of bullying the one Behringer thing I own will leave my place ASAP.


Maybe we should all report the Behringer video for bullying.

Original video got flagged again, thanks to whichever absolute legend did that or deleted a bunch of replies. Really, really, really great that a massive tech company can engage in targeted abuse (arguably of an anti-Semitic nature) of a journalist, and people will rush to defend them.

Here’s the video again, with zero commentary beyond that. I invite you all to draw your own conclusions on the ethical justifications of supporting Behringer beyond this point.


Seriously a very bad move. I met Peter once and he wrote a very nice article about my music in 2014 and I seriously don´t understand why Behringer pulls a joke on someone like this. I don´t find this in any way funny but that´s another story. I won´t buy anything from B. in the future.

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I have also returned the Boog purchased 2 weeks ago as a result of their action.

Money talks.

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apparently it’s fine, it’s just a bit of post karnival fun. life eh.

Sorry, what?

In what possibly way does a cartoonish depiction of a dark-haired man with a sloping forehead, massive nose, rictus grin and claw-like hands not reflect longstanding anti-Semitic tropes, regardless of the ethnicity or religion of the person depicted?

This is, at very best, an extremely clumsy and childish mirroring of anti-Semitism, possibly unintentional but still extremely stupid. At worst, it’s outright Jew-baiting. Quibbling over semantics is a dead end, and you should have a serious word with yourself.


telling people to fuck off - or blaming over-sensitive fanboys - implicitly questioning whether they are adults etc or bickering over terms like haters getting banded about is the problem - using such terms even for this frankly grotesque stunt is what we concern ourselves with here - you can make your point without starting a war of offending anyone - this thread is toxic because of the calibre of debate

It is fine to show the video, it’s beyond the pale and eye opening, but it’s out of order to start harassing the community here

We have guidelines - Behringer will regret this whether you ruffle feathers or not, but everyone has to start being a bit more careful with the inciting phrasing and tone

Take it up with Behringer on MusicTribe, or shout at people using Amazon in an amazon forum etc etc, let’s try to keep the tension out of this place and let the criticism be measured (and not about other members here), it spills over and there are flags guaranteed, including yet another to attend to now, probably in this thread

That video needs no embellishing to make the point and teh proselytizing is doing your case no good - but it is starting to create friction and flags - so keep it measured and not about other users


Stop using the words ‘semitic’ and ‘antisemitic’ wrongly, you mean antijewish.