The best Roland TB 303 clone?!

Love my TD-3-MO because it is like a TB-303 but can do more :woman_mechanic:


I do! The sequencer makes it a super fun performance machine. Soundwise it takes a bit more to dial it in, but itā€™ll get there.

Yeah I like how it sounds in a compact size.

Iā€™d like to learn on how to do acid style patterns.

Ah, good stuff, thanks. I hadnā€™t seen that mentioned in any of the videos around launch. Sounds a bit of a faff, but some faff is unavoidable on a device as compact as this. I still think it needs a dedicated knob, but itā€™s good to know they didnā€™t abandon it altogether.


Not sure why Roland put pitch knob instead of accent one. No one uses pitch in 303 performance. Pitch should be a combo function and not accent.
Roland should make firmware update where those two knobs can be swapped via setting.


I did consider that, but decided Iā€™d still be in a mood with them regardless, as I do enjoy shifting a pattern up with Pitch. I suppose that could easily be done with a button combo instead, as I donā€™t want to mess around with the stages in between.

I like the firmware update idea, though - if that happened, itā€™s a safe bet Iā€™d have it set to Accent the whole time.

Itā€™s amazing how Roland is bad at listening to its customers. Remember the TB-3 ? This one had the accent knob, but no env mod knobā€¦ And now the T-8 has an env knob pot but no accent knob. These guys need to talk to musicians, this is ridiculous.

No one uses pitch in 303 performance.

Yes, we do use it. All knobs are important, or itā€™s not even worth talking about clones.


This is how I feel, though the price and all-in-one nature of the T8 do incline me to give it a bit of leeway. Roland seemed to get it when they moved from the TB-03 to the TB-3, and I suppose the TB-3 remains their ā€˜puristā€™ option, since it hasnā€™t gone the discontinued way of most other Boutiques (whether it sounds right is a separate question, but at least all the controls were in the right place).

On the one hand I do admire Rolandā€™s refusal to ā€˜sit stillā€™ regarding their classics, but some of their choices baffle me, and their love of fiddling with the 303 format is one of them. But I do see a lot of great little T8 acid videos popping up on Twitter, which deserves celebrating.


Thatā€™s pretty damn cool for a box that size and price.

Glad he backed off the delay at some point :smile:

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T8 doing my all time favorite acid track :skull_and_crossbones:

I might have to give this little guy a spin.


Itā€™s reversed :upside_down_face: (damn you Roland for the confusing names !) but I understand what you mean.

But I do see a lot of great little T8 acid videos popping up on Twitter, which deserves celebrating.

Certainly, I donā€™t deny that. In fact itā€™s a very tempting box for its price. Somehow I like that it has not all the controls so I still have an excuse not to buy it. That and all the other clones I already have of course :wink:

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They got me with their legal mumbo-jumbo! But yes, quite right. That XY pad approach was an acid atrocity, but at least everything was at your fingertips.

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One day maybe Iā€™ll hear back from Brian at Abstrakt about my Avalon I was set to order. Maybeā€¦


Wow, that is little. Seen some images but never paid much attention. A lot smaller than I thought.


It is. Good thing I have small hands and thin fingers.

Mk2 has an analog filter, mk3 is all digi. I have the mk2 and itā€™s a great sounding little box.

impulse buy! just pulled the trigger on one too. will have it on my bedside table :slight_smile:

what really sold me was its ability of receiving PCs for changing patterns <3

hopefully theyā€™ll keep tweaking the firmware on it etc

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Yeah, when I first open the box I was shocked at how small the footprint actually is. Stoked it can serve as a soundcard for my ipadā€¦

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Not available anywhere around hereā€¦