The BITWIG Thread

Is that Reason Studio? … :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

…any real experiances with bitwig meets the m1 in daily use yet…?

No first hand experience. I saw this video recently though. Might be of interest.

(I would not call this “daily use” though. More of a typical “first test”)

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…thanx for that one, djx…

but as u already mentioned…alchemy offered just a first basic glance…
while daily use and abuse remains a different challenge…

…i want my, i want my…
i want my…mpe…eeeeeee…

still waiting for my roli seaboard block…to finally knock at my door…
to finally rock my wig on all the bits…

…uuuuaaaargh…just learned, my roli seaboard won’t show up this week…nor next week…

stucks in transit from mexico ??? in mexico…and beyond that, no one knows anything…

back to bitwig with tears…no mpe controler for u, for now, baby…still…keep on waiting…
this bad news are really crushing me…lockdown weakens me…if someone would have told me, u gonna cry 'cause some midi controler can’t be delivered, i’d say no way…
but truth is…i do…now…

slap my face to remind me, this is first world problems only…ok…got a grip on me again…
but fuk…

Do you have follow this ?

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…i’m aware of lthis…thanx a lot…

and i would…if only i could…no roli…no setting up…

Sweet Bitwig / Euro vid from Tâches.


Just wondering what people think would be in the next update? I’m pretty damn happy with BW as it is. I don’t need a Wavetable synth. I’m wondering what they could throw on that would make me want to upgrade? Maybe something that would help with interfacing my hardware? Oh, maybe a convolution reverb?
Any rumors?

I was thinking the next update would include more effect devices within the grid and better compatibility with MPE devices. You can modulate separate volume for example with an MPE controller, but you cannot have each individual voice have it’s own filter and the only workaround is creating a track or a device for each voice.

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I think will only update when polygrid midi out is optinal (without using the dc w/raplecer)
The 3.2 I’m using is more than enough for me :slight_smile:

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In the few months I’ve been using bitwig, I’ve been missing some basic quality of life features:

  • Export to non-wav: you can only export to wav. Which is fine for finished products, but many times I only need an mp3 to share, and I have to use audacity to do this.
  • Import formats: same for imports. Sometimes I need to use audacity just to change the file format in order to be able to import it into bitwig.
  • Some kind of project snapshot or versioning: I’d like to have this feature in order to save my projects at different points, test/change things, and be able to go back in time. I can do this using distinct project names, but it’s not ideal, and the ability to disable tracks is awesome, but only covers this need partially.
  • General MIDI support: this is more specific, and I don’t know if other DAWs do this. I tried to import a MIDI file with some tracks (a piano, a trumpet, a bass, and some drums) in it in order to listen to it, change tempo, and mute some track. While bitwig imported the file, there was no easy way to associate each track with a reasonable sounding instrument automatically. Even Windows media player does this. I ended up using musescore for the job.

Just Downloaded the 8 Track Version. Used all the Time iPad and aum to Jam around. Now i want to Start with ob and my dt.

MD tm1.bwpreset (82.4 KB)
MD drum machine preset with CC everything :slight_smile:

the X04 firmware is amazing for modultaion
try using “steps” to sequnce the pitches, adding ramp and rdec.


few days ago discovered that Bitwig does ot have proper MIDI export. :pouting_cat: :pouting_cat: :pouting_cat:
it exports only notes, but no automation, even strict CC automation that dos not need any heuristics about converting it to MIDI data.
very disappointing in XXI century, and major deal breaker for my particular workflow.
still interested in its endless modulation options, but it’s not going to have much of my attention until CC export is implemented. switching to another DAW now…

thats very sad… bitwig is with out doubt the best DAW available these days :slight_smile: … and the guys put alot of work into making it better and better… i will suggest this request to them on your behalf tho :slight_smile:

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perhaps its because you have the range set to +10 and not +30 for the dramatic bump you seek …

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It was exactly this. I always change it now. Thanks!

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End of the day nerding out :slight_smile:
I sequenced the Moog Minitaur through the Fx grid’s waveshapers and modulations.