The Cassette thread

Thanks! :pray: The source material for that edit is in fact very lo-fi! I’ll try to release a sample pack of all my samples someday!

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A friend of mine and I just put out our second cassette release :

Linoleum block print on eco cardboard, that’s why they all look slightly different. It’s a fun process to make them.

I’m dubbing the cassettes myself on a Nakamichi 480 which sounds great. Got it repaired not long ago; it works perfectly once again. it’s a beautiful machine I think ! Got me into buying more and more cassettes and honestly they sound almost as good as most vinyl when played with it (if properly recorded).

It’s deep textured techno made with field recordings, a tempest, a 8raw8 and some modular bits.
Have a listen here :


Sounds great!


I just scored 14 Type II cassettes (and one metal Type IV ) on a used goods site in Japan for about $15. Combined with the initial NOS tapes I bought to get me going, I should be set for a long time.

Most of the tapes are between 60-90 minutes, which is perfect.

There are a handful of shorter tapes, 2 x 20 minutes and 2 x 40 minutes. I might repurpose those for tape loop experiments or use them for those cases where I want to bounce samples to tape, rather than record full tracks.

The 20 minute ones are pretty cute.


Tascam is producing cassettes!


Hell yeah, how awesome would it be if they made a new cassette Portastudio? I heard that they hinted at it on their Facebook page a couple of years ago. I figured what was stoping them was lack of new cassettes, but…


Any manufacturers that refuse to add some sort of fancy ableton integration to their products start having “accidents”. Can’t say anymore than that.


This is pretty cool. I wonder if these will work well with my Portastudio 244.

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Ooh I want a dozen of those! Not for sale yet?!

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I have an old cassette player that is showing some fatigue (Pioneer CT-300).
It reads cassettes with a speed too high…

Do you know where I can find some resources to transform it I to a cassette FX, kind of a tape stompbox?
I am a total noob in the subject, but I can solder…

Actually I wonder if recording the input source and get the output to my mix table would already sufficiently alter the sound… Got to try!

Availability = “soon”.
Maybe they’ll set up pre-orders like other hot new products nowadays!
Cassettes are the next vinyl…

Usually done with dual head recorders for the tape compression effect, and you can somewhat affect the high and low output with tape type.
Or go the super expensive tapeless way withan ELI Distressor $$$

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Strangely enough, despite starting my whole music thing with cassettes, and later using them for recording vinyl mixes (techno, late 90’s, early 2000’s), rediscovering tape cassettes and realising the benefits they give took me until now:

  1. Physical format in a digital age!
  2. It’s cheap (Yamaha KX-393 bought for 40 € recently, fully functioning. OK, I’m having enough cassettes from back in the days :stuck_out_tongue:
  3. Soundwise: some people (including me) like the analog character, the saturation, the limited frequency response cassettes have.
  4. The most important benefit:
    When recording jams/tracks/mixes, the moment you press the record button, it is like the point of no return, you are from that second in kind of ‘On Air’ modus, it helps with getting into a cool headed, focused ‘operative’ modus and concentrate on recording the set.

The tape is rolling, it helps you concentrate on the performance, especially, because if you messed it up, you would have to roll the tape back, re-record the thing, maybe lose some already good parts too, and it would materialize your lost time into a physical format, plus the extra rounds (winding back and re-record).
Therefore it very much helps against your inner perfectionist - you can handle smaller errors easier. Recording is on, the show must go on :fist_right:

I mean this habit of recording to cassette beside the daw helps getting used to performing. Very useful in my opinion. Get one for yourself today! :smiley:


It works! I have to run in recording mode, but I have my distortion FX :smiley:
The machinedrum into this sounds great. Not as beautiful as through the Deco, but still, I’ll definitely put this cassette player in my mixtable FX sends :slight_smile:

Now I have to see how I can alter further the rendering…


They actually replied in that post(which IIRC was just a celebration of their past glories) that the infrastructure to make the heads of the quality in these old units no longer exists. The cost to retool a factory to do so would surely be cost prohibitive? I’d have to think so but who knows?

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Just wishful thinking but who would have thought that Behringer would be able to resurrect so many old synths, or that we would have a thriving record factory in Japan in 2021, so nothing is impossible I suppose.

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Behringer Portastudio?!?

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Sorry not sorry

Tape Pro is pretty damn awesome for the iPad… just sayin :wink:

Cool I’ll have to order a few! Hopefully they dont try to overcharge too much.

Yeah this is the case, the only tape heads being made are the absolute lowest of the low quality :frowning: they can still be fun though.

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