The dark trio :)

Finally got an Octatrack yesterday and fell madly in love with it… watched so many tutorials while I waited for it to arrive that it feels familiar already. Such a solid, quality bit of kit!

Just put all of my other gear on eBay (I’m mad I know) and will buy the RYTM & Analog Four to compliment it.

Nice simple setup that doesn’t need 10 pairs of hands to play live.

I just love the sound of the OT and cant wait to hear the thick analog goodness out of the other two boxes!


It’s a quartet these days:

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don;t underestimate the possibilities with 1 box, or maybe 2…
i have seen many people, including myself, that went for 3 boxes, and only scratch the surface…


Totally !
Take your time, and when you feel like you hit a limit, then get the next box…
Can be in a year time :smiley:


I thought of doing that too. The OT blew me away! I think it came at the right time for me. I had already gotten used to my setup so I just needed something to record it with. The OT gave me that and whole heap more! I was sure glad they didn’t release an OT2 the other day. The RYTM looks great! I’d prefer my current synths over the keys though. The Dark Trinity (or now that there’s four/quad… DarkSquad?) holds a huge lustful quality though! Good luck!!:cheeky:


I’m sure you are right… less is more (unless we talking about money $$$ of course).

I am selling a bunch of Roland AIRA gear (TR8, TB3, MX1), some Electribes and a bunch of Korg Volcas to make up funds to go toward this… it was great owning it all and playing with it, but I just didn’t have enough hands to operate it all smoothly when performing live.

I think going all Elektron is the way forward for me… they should all share a similar workflow and if I get a 3-tier rack, be within easy reach and I’m sure I can find a sexy coffin case to transport them round.

I’m not convinced on the Analog Heat just yet… need to see some reviews first.


I’ll have the funds burning a hole in my pocket soon and need to spend it before my girlfriend gets ideas :smiley:

The electribes make really good sample fodder for the octatrack, keep that in mind before selling it off!


Kind of a newb too midi sequencing in the octatrack, how would you go about setting that up? It seems really interesting. I thought the cross fader didn’t send midi data out!

You make a fair point but I’ve already put it all on eBay. Its all boxed up and ready to go :slight_smile:

The AR & A4 are very expensive for me and I’d need to do a lot of saving normally… whereas I could pick up a volca or electribe with my paycheque and not really feel it in a month.

If I feel like I miss them, they wont be hard to replace.