The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

i want a function for the identification of the unused sample in the RAM and in the drive.


The possibility to mark different flags for samples on the overbridge.

Ability to save and load MIDI Sounds in the Sound Browser pretty pretty pretty super duper prettiest ever please. Would save all settings of the MIDI ‘sound’ + a name.

I mostly just wanna recall sets of CCs via the sound browser instead of manually assigning them over and over.

Extended bonus round: ability to save named CCs with the sound.


Around-the-world-cruise-mega-bonus-round: instrument definitions in a simple text file ala Pyramid. Looking up CCs when you just wanna automate the decay of some synth is a buzzkill.

Digitakt wouldn’t need to support “Instrument Definitions” as a separate concept per se; it could just use the CC definitions in the text file based on the current track’s MIDI channel when selecting and labeling them.

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Same thing would be possible to save/reload track sequences and grooves

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If CPU is tight, and it were possible, I would gladly give up the compressor when I want to use the input with effects. Especially if I could devote a MIDI track to controlling it ala A4. :grin: :rainbow:


First box: Select a MIDI track to use as a control source (without using external loop back, that is).
Second box: While holding a trig key, press that knob to see a list of p-locks on that step. :slight_smile:

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The ability to turn off normalization when recording would be nice.


Please @Ess scale per track :wink:


I would like to come back on this feature request. I don’t believe it would be that hard to implement, and would really bring the Digitakt to another level, being able to route several MIDI tracks LFOs and plocks to an audio track !
Please @Ess and @Olle make it happen at some point : these unused MIDI tracks could actually do some good !


Yeah - this makes so much sense that one wonders why it still hasn’t happened yet - presumably all they need to do is make sure that midi feedback loops are defeated - perhaps automatically reserving a channel for midi in and a different channel for out.

To those who warn that the DT cannot apparently handle more realtime processing - the fact that it can already send midi and cc info while at the same time responding to external midi inputs surely negates this line of argument.

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Well, a MIDI cable loop works so yes, the unit can handle it.


Serious feature request: embedded Ikea name generator, so I don’t have to name patterns.


Not a bad idea! And a serious response: wouldn’t it be nice, if nothing else, if the patterns were automatically named with the time and date, or creation date. This would be really useful when going back through patterns when you’ve iterated quickly.

Of course the Digitakt would need a clock set (I don’t think it has a sense of time currently?) but that’s surely a very basic function.


This 100%. Even being able to set the normalisation level/parameters would be fantastic.
Sometimes I want to boost the volume while normalising but not a lot… other times, I don’t want it at all!


Screen saver like digitone and mk2 boxes please :slight_smile:


What is the difference between the current screen saver on the dt and the mkii stuff?

Actually the digitakt screen saver consist in lowered intensity after a moment with no activity. The screen doesn’t shut down like on digitone or mk2 boxes.

Ahh interesting. Hopefully that will make its way over.

I would love it if the Digitakt became class compliant with iOS devices.