The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

Yeah I know you can plock those things, I want to put conditions on the trigless locks. I love the conditional concept it just seems a bit limited in it’s scope.

Like why can’t i setup up a trig to have a 5% chance of playing a different note?


When I’m in chromatic mode, not being able to transpose more then 1 octave up always gets to me. It conformes to the 2 down/up octaves, but at the end of the day it’s an artificial limitation. So often I wanna record alot of samples at higher pitches in chromatic mode, melodic content, into the sequencer, but kinda gets stopped in my tracks.

Could I prepp the samples differently before uploading? Yes, kinda. But that adds an unnecessary step, and doesn’t quite fit the fast and spontaneous workflow I get with the digitakt. Also I’m loving the buttons on the digitakt, it’s so easy and fast to run your fingers across, with 1 hand on the octave buttons, but…one more higher octave (or two) please, Elektron? 2 octaves down and 3 octaves up? Uneven numbers are awesome You’re awesome as well Elektron (and my suggestion is totally awesome). :slight_smile:

i love elektron for it’s man-machine interaction
especially this one, it is so ergonomic, it is made for usability and direct access
as a psychologist focussing on human centered design, this machine is a dream

but one mistake, seen from cognitive psychology
when you look at the print screen, you can see the knobs on the screen
if you want to adjust the track level, you see it on the right bottom corner, you will process the information from right to left.
you will use the knob on the right bottom corner, straight forward

if you want to change ‘start’
than you process the knobs from left to right
then it’s like the second.

maybe I am an experienced user, I have done a lot of research on ‘cognitive social psychology’
but there is a clear ‘delay’ in my brain. to understand this view and process it to my muscles

please, just take out 'level,
or change it on such a way, i.e. smaller, with a dotted line in between, or… swap the colors, like done with the smp 6 above it… use the gestalt laws to make a better and easier to process design.

but not like this
although, as Leonard Cohen said… there is a crack in everything… that’s where the light goes in…



…could be easily changed if all knob-related parameters right hand sight were in circles, so it could be visually identified at first glance as belonging to the right hand sight knob groub. Maybe a vertikal line?

@wouzer I agree, caught me a few times too. Maybe the level could ‘pop up’ when adjusted, and the track/sample number could be moved to top.

My idea to swap colors is not a good one since it stands for p lock

Sysex Dump of Projects/Sounds should be implemented.

I was thinking that im stupid not being able to find it - but it really isnt there! This should be implemented ASAP. I wanna be able to some some “Soundsets” with the Digi too. Also great for Backup Purposes btw …


Is there a way to load and trim an existing sample?

I guess you could load it into a track and use internal source sampling and re-record it back into the sampler but thats a hassle

How about the option of a tempo synced delay?


The easiest is to colour/shade it like SMP above as you say - this catches me out on exactly the same way as you describe.

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You can just resample the sound you’re using at a higher pitch, then the digitakt will be able to pitch it up from there.

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Yea. But that’s a workaround though. Over time there would just be way too much resampled stuff collected on the +Drive to make it a viable option.

I know devs like their figures to look sexy, but -24 & +36 (or more) looks a lot more sexier from a users perspective!:slight_smile:

thx, very akward, so I would like access midi ch with just pushing the one encoder …

MIDI via USB would be nice in 2017!

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Another routable LFO would be insane.


For Pattern Save (Function - Yes), I would like one more layer of safety (having to press Yes a second time).

The reason is that I use Control All a lot and rely on Function - No as a safety net to bring me back to the original state after mangling my pattern. It’s really easy to hit Function - Yes by mistake when you are experimenting with remixing a track, playing live, or recording.

I made the Function - Yes mistake yesterday while recording a track and basically had to scrap the pattern and start from scratch (I had no idea what the individual settings were for each of the sounds on each pattern). I would hate for someone (read: me) to mistakenly do this during a live set. :slight_smile:


Or even have Fn + Yes (twice) undo the save point, like clearing and other operations that “undo” when pressing the action key twice.


When browsing a directory of samples in the +Drive, it would be cool to have a “play all” menu item on the right. This would play each sample with a short gap between each. Would make auditioning the Factory samples, or other uploaded packs, so much easier than hitting [FUNC]+[YES] a million times!


With 128 projects, each with 128 patterns… I’m hoping for some great library management software:

For example, right now, I’ve got a project with about two dozen patterns in it, and ~100 samples loaded. I want to start building a project for my live performance sets, and I want about 6 or so of those patterns.

If you copy the patterns from project to project (tedious, having to reload & save projects as you switch back and forth), it works… but… the sounds in the patterns retain the slot numbers of their samples, not the sample pointers themselves… And then you have to load in, and properly placing the needed samples into those slots… which is very very tedious… AND, now the loaded slots are scattered around the new project, not all compacted at one end.

I’ll make a deal, Elektron: Once we can back-up and restore projects over USB to our computers, if you’ll just publish the data structure of the saved file, I’ll write a command line utility for (re)organizing projects.


Digitakt has no USB “host”, so it will not happen …