The Digitakt Feature Request Thread


Edit: though i domt the the second part. What do the sample slots have to donwith midi sequencing a drummachine?

Yeh sorry , nothing , just a odd idea I had as I was typing , I’m barely awake.

The chromatic idea is good for sequencing drums though i have mo idea how i coulndt see that haha

Good morning to you sir.

EQ per track on the master page.


Remove the 8/8 track divide and introduce 2 machines: audio machine and midi machine. Let us choose what each channel is used for :sweat_smile:


Also a way to assign lfo’s to a different track than they belong too. Maybe like a function click on the lfo destination showing a popup where we select which track the lfo is send to.

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In order of priority, and trying to be realistic:

-Some way of backing everything up
-‘Undo’. It’s too easy to accidentally save changes rather than revert them!
-Ability to create a default/template pattern (other than by creating a pattern and copy/pasting it to all pattern slots – and then having to do it again when you realise you want to change your default MIDI CC#s or something)
-Master compressor would indeed be cool

Anyway, loving this lil machine despite the occasional crash.


Is it possible to save track mutes with to a pattern? Say I want to switch to a pattern but initially the kick is muted and then I can unmute it manually but if I reload the pattern it goes back to being muted?

Does that make sense? It would be awesome if this was a feature.

(If it is already I will delete this post)

You have the green global mutes, those are saved per project. If you press mute mode again the colour of the trigs change to purple, you’re now in pattern mute mode and mutes are saved per pattern :sunglasses:

Function + track still toggles global mutes so pay attention to that. I would like to see a feature that allows us to toggle the quick mute mode between pattern and global mutes.

When I sequence drums on the Analog Keys, I always try to make a drum kit using multi-map. This way I just hit live record and play the drums in a more traditional way with kicks/snares/hats on their own keys (while still using only 1 voice/1 track).

Something similar on the digitakt would be great to have. A mode where you make a drum kit with the samples mapped out on the chromatic layout (or whatever), choose which track or tracks the recording/sequencer data should occupy. If using only 1 track it would obviously behave like the AK, cuting samples off, which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you’re doing.

Now you need to use up 1 track per drum sample. I know you can sequence it all old school way and assign a sample per step etc. Or resample your multi-track drumloop onto 1 track. But…I just wanna live record my drum hits onto 1 or 2 tracks. Elektron, pör favör? :slight_smile:


Thank you!

I know it’s been mentioned elsewhere in the thread, but here’s my +1 for a bandpass filter. I use them a lot, and I’m missing one sorely with this machine. I don’t care about combs and all-pass and all that fluff, just a normal bandpass. Shouldn’t be hard to fit one more model under that lil knob. Just get rid of OFF…does anyone ever set it to OFF? No friend of mine, I’ll tell ya.


I know, I know, it’s a bypass. Certain trigs you might not want a filter. All you busy-fingered Elektron fondlers are lovingly switching them on and off all the time and then doing that little finger-flair for the camera. Throw that thing down on the stage and light it up with lighter fluid, drum machine god.


I need sleep.

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My 2 cents:

  • Kits, or an easier way to copy all 8 sounds (and FX/Master pages) between patterns
  • Additional filter types (at the very least, band-pass)
  • An additional LFO (or at least another mod destination)
  • Improved +Drive and project management functions (ability to back up, tell how much free space, tell if samples are used, etc.)
  • Ability to move patterns (copy/paste is a hassle if you’re trying to move a lot at once)
  • Some “safety” features around Save and Reload Ptn buttons (too easy to hit the wrong one)
  • Ping-pong loop mode for samples
  • Ability to zoom samples in Src page and/or a “Snap to transients” mode for loops/breaks :wink:
  • Song mode would be nice, but we’ll see what Overbridge brings… I think I’d be more inclined to arrange in a DAW environment anyway

image copyright @sezare56 2017



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In addition to a song mode/ability to save pattern chains I’d add that an iOS/Android app for doing updates, loading projects, etc. would be awesome.

While there is an outstanding bug that Master levels are not restored when you switch or restore a pattern…
…I have a feature request: Allow me to keep this mode! If I’m controlling the eight track levels from an external fader box… I often (always?) don’t want them to jump when I switch / restore a pattern.

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If you can code, you can write an app that does it. A lot of things can be done over midi. Including a song mode.