The Digitakt Notebook

No, but the cost is like 3.99.

I just purchased two of your notebooks (Digitakt and Digitone).

They look very useful for me as a newbie. And as a graphics designer I appreciate the fact, that you invested so much time into a pleasant design.

Thank you!

Thanks @mbms

For general info, firstly a big thank you to the support we get for these books. I have to say that the hours put in are pretty high and it typically takes 3-4 months. The cost is held at the price of a cup of coffee which we think is fair and affordable for paid updates every 12-18 months. The running cost for web, domain and card fees take big slice of this too.

We actually surveyed customers last year and nearly 80% preferred a low price / paid updates over high price / one off payment. We also give discount codes for first week of update and free to people who purchased within a couple of months prior to a new version release.

Thanks once again for your wonderful support


In my opinion you can easily raise the price to 1 1/2 or 2 cups of coffee for 250-350 pages of quality content. :vulcan_salute: :slight_smile: