The Digitakt Wonder: appreciation thread

Just ordered one - Turning up tomorrow. I can’t wait, pretty excited, I really like the sound of this thing


Where do I start with this little box?

It’s everything that I hoped my OP1 would be - a quick and great sounding way to get things sketched out.

The reason I sold my OP1 and I’m keeping my Digitakt is that I much prefer the sequencing workflow rather than the tape.

Everything I make just sounds so good. I’ve got the California Drums sound pack and everything sounds way more than the sum of its parts.


good post. i can say that after owning countless machines and selling dozens also that this is a keeper for me. tons more scope than anything ive ever owned.

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I used the OP-1 only for close to 4 years and have a super special place in my heart for it… but… the Digitakt is just such an amazing piece. All of the fun/immediacy of the OP-1 sampler + amazing sequencing + plays well with others (MIDI). I can safely say I’m making the best music of my life with it! I do, however, REALLY miss the OP-1 master compressor. Such a special character/glue on that one… Hopefully Elektron adds a master comp in the 1.1 update!


I wanted to keep the OP1, I really did. I just couldn’t justify it when all that I produced on it was (admittedly very fun) noodling.

If I earned a bit more money it would be great to get another as a creative outlet. However, for songwriting purposes the Digitakt plus my Minilogue beats it hands down!

Would love to see examples of this setup!


I dig it! It kinda reminds me of the more electronic tracks from Clint Mansell’s score for “Requiem for a Dream”


I recently sold the Digitakt and got an OP 1, it ended up being the right machine for what I want to create at the moment, but yeah it’s not better, just different specs and sound characteristics. When I use it while I’m out and people ask what I’m doing I say “typing” with a glint in my eye.

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I just snagged a Digitakt and I LOVE it. It’s so immediate. It’s a blast. I have yet to sample into it, but even working with the included samples was super fun. Here’s my first jam. It’s a little dark, sorry. iMovie seems to do this frequently.


i am still on the DT and must say I feel a coherent sound scape evolving and it also seems I ve found myself musically a bit more. … just saying : )


Just sat down and started setting up the Digitakt to control my modular system. I’m using a Shuttle Control for several voices and sync, as well as a Ladik MIDI to gates module. I only wish there was more flexibility in the audio vs MIDI track like the Machinedrum. Turns out 8 MIDI tracks get chewed up quickly when you’re sequencing drums and melodic stuff. I guess I could be clever and use one MIDI track to control more than one drum sound, but it would get too complicated, way too quickly for my simple mind. Haha, anyway, I put this quick jam together in a few minutes after spending quite a while getting the routing sorted and making a template for the Shuttle Control. i can’t wait to dig further into this!


I feel you here. The filter, darker reverb settings, and user wavetables of the DT have become a big part of “my sound”. I think the DT + a nice poly synth, and some guitar pedals is all the body needs. The thing really puts out so much sound!


Something I am enjoying about the DT, is seeing non Elektron converts using it.

My guitarist, who spends most of his time evangelising the ‘Nordic black’ sound, spent 40 mins (with limited input from me) with the DT and created a groove filled minimal house masterpiece.

A production partner, also not from the Elektron tribe, has been able to put together the foundations of three of the best tracks I feel we have created, using the DT.

The instant gratification of the simplicity, is what drew them in, and then when you start talking about p locks and retrigs, it gets them to a place where the potential can be seen.


So I’m creating a little sub studio within my studio composed of the DT, AR and AK. I’ll be sampling other synths and using Ableton to play them back from time to time. Ableton will also serve as an audio processor and arranger and I’ll use an APC40 to control it. The goal would be to create a set that I could play out. Right now I’m still ironing out the details but it occurs to me that the DT could be really powerful when combined with Ableton. I could set up some send tracks with a looper on each, create loops and use the DT MIDI tracks to tweak them. Sequence effects with p locks. Etc. Anyone else using the DT with Ableton?

Yes, this is not that far from what I’m doing. Have a few different controllers including a Push, but what I’m thinking for a potential live set is the DT, and an APC 40 controlling Ableton. One neat little trick I’ve implemented is to use a Beat Repeat and trigger it with a clyph-x clip. Set up the right way you get a perfect 1/2 bar loop or whatever of the DT input, like that ol DJ trick. Lots of possibilities :slight_smile:

Nice. Another thought I had, and I’m not sure if this is possible, but have original material on the A, then loop on the B and crossfade between the two. So I can loop and mangle and then end up back where I started. I need to explore Abeltons built in effects more. And I’ll definiteky be snagging a Push 2 (I have a Push 1 but I never became a power user as it felt I could never really be completely free of the computer)

I’ve been contemplating this a bit myself, and it should be possible with a bit of setup. Could be a cool faux-OT setup :slight_smile:

Today’s jam with the DT and the modular.


I’m really wondering why I like it so much…
Is it just cause it’s new for me (shiny, shiny). Is it the Interface? Does it sound better? Is it being more limited with features?

On paper the OT eats this thing for lunch. I have no problems operating on my OT, at least for the things the Digitakt can do, I’m still faster on the OT.
Doing conditional trigs is more convenient on the DT. The Control all feature is fun. Lfo on sample slots is nice. I like the overdrive and the reverb better than on the OT. And somehow I like having two rows of 8 sequencer buttons. The Display is also better obviously. Other than that, I can do far more on the OT, it’s superior in most of the features. But somehow the DT is the reason for a lot fun and creativity recently. Not really sure why.