The Elektron documentation thread

whoa i wasnt aware of most of these, thanks

i actually bought the synthdawg a4 notebook but i didnt find it to be much more helpful than the manual for sound design ideas. i learned much more from the macprovideo tutorials on youtube. i should look into his other ones though

@eangman that’s true, i guess i would really like official elektron tutorial series’. or tips n tricks series. maybe hire max marco, osc sink, ivar tryti to do an entire playlist full for each device

here’s an example of what im looking for. not necessarily a sound design lesson, but text that helps define how the particular potentially slightly atypical functions in a particular instrument interact and behave.

we know that elektron has their own unique way of implementing functions that are normally more straight forward in traditional synths

here’s an example:

-Waldorf M Manual:

the musical implementation tips are very useful, not only for this particular synth, but in sound design in general

-for the Elektron Analog Four: it would be nice if they explained that the AM works in conjunction with pw mod with a non-triangle wave osc

it mentions it, but only in strictly technical terms. something i didnt catch on first read. but maybe that’s just me

elektron manuals could be the most interesting reading if they had practical tips like this, or illustrated diagrams, especially for the mk1 stuff for people who havent used multiple elektron boxes. for instance, an octatrack (mk1 or mk2) user who has never used an mk2 rytm, dtakt, or dn, wouldn’t necessarily have a good understanding or visual context for how the base/width envelope work, or at least how to practically use them to shape sounds

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Wrong FX CCs in Syntakt manual :

From a midi monitor :


In manual :

Another problem with CCs different from manual :


DT manual p66 says:

FX CONTROL CH selects the dedicated MIDI channel that is associated with the parameters on the DELAY and REVERB parameter pages, both for input and output. If configured as OFF, parameter data are neither sent nor received via MIDI.

Shouldn’t the Compressor be listed alongside Delay and Reverb? It’s also controllable from the FX CONTROL CH

@eangman Spotted this one today, Octatrack manual

Should be:
DEP controls the depth of the flanger modulation
SPD adjusts the speed of the flanger modulation

From Syntakt manual :

PRE is true if the most recently evaluated trig condition on the same track was true. (PRE and /PRE conditions are ignored and not evaluated.)

/PRE is true when PRE is false. A trig with this trig condition is active if the most recently evaluated trig condition on the same track was not true. (PRE and /PRE conditions are ignored and not evaluated.)

From Octatrack MKI manual (and probably some other manuals:

PRE is true if the most recently evaluated trig condition on the same track was true.

/PRE is true when PRE is not.

Confusing if this is not precised :
“PRE and /PRE conditions are ignored and not evaluated”.
I’d add this, and remove “/PRE is true when PRE is not”.

Something like this would be better imho :
/PRE is true if the most recently evaluated trig condition on the same track was false. (PRE and /PRE conditions are ignored and not evaluated.)

This one’s web-related, so apologies if there’s a more appropriate forum…

On the Transfer support page, the Transfer FAQ includes the item “How to pay for a repair”.

Probably erroneously included because of the word ‘transfer’ E.g. “… You can pay the invoice via bank card, PayPal, or bank transfer.…”

I assume if people have questions about Transfer, you don’t want them to immediately send their devices in for repair. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Although, in the world of customer support, I also assume stranger things have happened… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Song mode drops, and I’ve realized that, honestly, the thing I’m most excited about? Getting to read all about it in the manual.

This is not the case when any other synth I own gets a new feature. A testament to the quality of Elektron docs, I feel. Big thanks to all who work on them.


Not only a joy to read but also beautiful artwork on the covers. I had mine printed and it looks stunning!

I’ve ordered a new print for the new 1.40 firmware, which should arrive soon :relaxed:


Just noticed yesterday that the Table of Contents page numbers don’t match up with the actual page numbers in Analog-Keys-User-Manual_ENG_OS-1.51C_220207.pdf

MORE ON OSCILLATORS, FILTERS AND ENVELOPES ........................................... 65

Is actually on the page labeled 68 at the bottom. (Note, I’m not being mixed up with the PDF “page” number :grinning:)

I like that Song Mode is touted as a shop-mention-worthy feature…

Screen Shot 2022-10-31 at 7.11.27 PM

…but this form of “lets” has no apostrophe.

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Let’s appears on the DT/DN/ST pages too.
Maybe report to the site contact:

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Done. Thanks.

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just bought my first digi line, a dt, when I was learning the manual, some of information about kit was so unclear,

  1. as we all know, elektron gear had a long history with kit concepts, the digi line still remains the kit, but no spare save kit from ptn, in ptn clear menu, there’s a very important point: kit data vs sequence data, but no any information in other place of manual give the explanation of 2 kinds of data, and the section about ptn, kit, sound explaining things very uncleared.

  2. a kit contains: no mention of master page and delay reverb, just say those is a part of ptn , but which one? Sequence part or kit part? actually, all sound related data is part of kit, like all other elektron machine, so please rewrite those words in manual make things more clear for read and learning, thanks!

Syntakt manual (November 23, 2022), page 60, section 12.3 SYN PARAMETERS PAGE:

“On this page you can set the set the amount…” should be “On this page you can set the amount…”.


Retrig. :content:


Pinging @eangman: chapter 14.2 needs some updating :nerd_face:

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Octatrack. Former commands are still in manual, p86.

Thank you.

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