The Guitar Thread

@AndreN Hey thanks for the kind word, your guitar looks and sounds amazing in that livestream! Super sorry about that horror story, I can’t imagine what it would be like. :confused:

@finalform Yeah the album is awesome and that performance is next level stuff, that’s how I discovered him! They’re all incredible<3

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Surprised that Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine hasn’t been mentioned yet. He had a huge effect on me a teenage guitar and bass player, very unique style and sound which seems to be in vogue these days with a huge raft of imitators (of which I am probably one of worst).

I always really loved Thurston Moore and Lee renaldo of Sonic Youth for the same reason…they could get incredible walls of noise, unheard tones and beautiful dissonance…

I’d say MBV probably helped me massively get into the idea of samples and synths to make equally mad noises.

I’ve had my share of beautiful guitars, mostly Made in Japan/Crafted in Japan Fender Jaguars from 92/93 and Fender jazz basses. All of which got sold for drugs years ago. In recent years I’ve got more into playing acoustic and also have a beautiful Gretsch streamliner hollow body…

Also I learned to play with my fingers first, so using a pick is kinda awkward for me…

This is my fave album of all time…


I would like to have time to improve my playing. At the moment I like Melanie’s playing style a lot:

Have been looking into getting a new Jazzy Axe but I always go back to my classical nylon string. So … maybe I’ll get a Godin Multiac in the future. Planning to take weekly lessons so I have to commit and get the work in.

I never play with a pick. Dislike that lack of feeling.

Best from my Berlin home office!

PS … I started playing guitar after a visit to Granada in the south of Spain, many moons ago!


My dad is a classical guitarist, and I’d liked to say learned from him, but he was an awful teacher (amazingly talented though) and I sorta taught myself with a mishmash of influences. I was taught how to read music and and more conventional theory fairly young but I was always a lot better at playing by ear. I don’t really get on with the old man, and he can’t play anymore as his hands are a mess but he’s left his beautiful handmade Spanish nylon string to me, so I’ve been told.


Another guitar hero of mine is Dylan Carlson of the band Earth…incredible playing style, and use of volume and tone control…they’re kind of a doom band…but also he shreds and can do melodic and inventive, not just pure distortion. Speaking of which, any Sunn 0)) fans? How about David Pajo of Slint?


One of the other big influences for me:

And some of my old amps:


I just recently became aware of Melanie Faye via D’Angelico’s social media, as well as appearances with Bibi McGill and Isaiah Sharkey. All fine players. I have two D’Angelico guitars -the big archtop EXL-1 and the SS Deluxe. Both are fine axes.

I started learning Sean McGowan’s fingerstyle method , in which the thumb is used for muting and occasional picking, and most of the single-note picking is done by index and middle finger. It’s taken a while to get used to but I’m making ok progress. I’ve learned 3 performance studies so far form his Fingerstyle Jazz course


A good semi hollow guitar into a good pure tube amp should get you on the path to that tone

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Nice thread. Thanks for starting it.
I too have been playing the guitar for a while (40 years, with a pause while I got lost in the rave scene for a few years :crazy_face:) and still love the tactile nature of it. I also went through the whole ‘this sounds boring’ phase, and in some ways still struggle to get the guitar to sit in my modern tech / ambient inspired productions. I found a clear tone into the OT or ableton with all sorts of loop mayhem was satisfying, and a good start, as was an ambient patch on my Line 6 (links below if you’re interested)

My next project was to really try and get the two to marry. I’m interested in how you used the MnM as a guitar effect

Line 6 guitar patch with OT …

Looping mayhem …

I’m looking at getting a decent line level pre amp for eurorack so I can start using my er 301 as a live looper and mangler, then run through effects and filters etc. I’ve also got an OT but I’ve not really used it with my guitar much, something I’m gonna try out for sure.

Anyone using their guitar with eurorack and have any tips etc?

Great thread and thanks for posting the Mansur video (your video was also sweet :slight_smile: ). From about 1m15 in, what kind of pedal is he using to create that sound?

Playing guitar for over twenty years, acoustic mostly. I would consider my self a rhythm dude, a nice groove and a head nod that puts a smile on my face. My favorite thing is songwriting and now on the bright side of kids, I can’t wait to start again. My Martin, MPC, pencil and a notepad is my quiet place. Of course, my lovely DN will still be in the mix!

P.S. Don’t mind my basement, have yet to renovate from previous homeowners. For whatever reason, they decided that vomit green was a good choice for moldings and doors. Even went as far as pink carpet and shades of exposed concrete. This was my spring project but saving $ instead.


I got into playing guitar when I was 18 after discovering Syd Barrett and Piper at the Gates of Dawn. As a result I ended up with a Telecaster (American made), which has been my only electric guitar I’ve owned and is the instrument I’ve bonded with most after the last 15 years.

These days I’m more into artists like Dev Hynes and Steve Lacy for guitar-based stuff, but I recently had a little nostalgia flare with the Strokes and that was fun.

I also have a Martin acoustic I don’t play nearly enough and an American P-Bass, which I love as much as my Tele.

My beloved handwired Vox AC15 has been in storage since I’ve lived in apartments the last 7 years, but I’m looking to buy a house so will hopefully be reunited with that soon. A Tech21 Sansamp Liverpool pedal has been my go-to for Vox amp tones and sounds good enough, but nothing beats the air that gets pushed out of a compressed Alnico blue speaker driven by sizzling tubes.

For pedals the EHX Deluxe Memory Man is my favorite of all time and inspired so many songs in my early years. I got into Boss pedals a couple years ago with their Waza Craft pedals and they have been great (CE-2W, DM-2W, TU-3W). I have some nice fuzz pedals as well but mostly stick to clean tones. I prefer my guitar to sound like the beautiful guitar it is :wink:


Hey thanks! I don’t know for sure what pedal he’s using but I remember someone in the comments who suggested the Eventide H9. :slight_smile: That sound is out of this worlddd.

Was eyeing one with the last black Friday deals but didn’t push the button. I hope later this year.

It was also the brand that let me to Melanie.

My biggest guitar hero must be Francisco Sánchez Gómez aka Paco de Lucia. Saw him 2 times, amazing skill, style and sound.

I’ve played guitar in bands from my mid teens to my late twenties. Learned myself to play, so I don’t know a lot of theory, but I do know a few tricks and I’m an OK player by ear so I get away with a lot of stuff, haha.

When I was still in bands I really aimed for sounds like Deftones, ‘You Come Before You’-era Poison The Well, Envy and Mogwai. In the music I make nowadays the guitar still takes a prominent role, but the sound has really changed into mostly super clean stuff with plenty of reverb. Soundwise in recent years I’m inspired by moody indie stuff like Sigur Ros, Daughter or The XX for instance. Very round, maybe even a bit of a muffled sound. My Flint and El Capistan are pretty much always on.
I play a 90’s CIJ Fender Thinline '72 tele and also have a recent made in China Modern Player Thinline tele, the one with the P90 style pickups. Really great guitar for its price range.

Admittedly I’ve not been into synths for that long yet, cause the project I’m doing now started out with just a guitar, a bunch of pedals and a drumsampler and I gradually started trying out adding other machines. I experimented with a Microbrute for bass and fooled around with some Volcas, but it really clicked when I added a DN about 1,5 years back when I started playing less shows. I got a Peak in December so that should keep me busy for a while. The kind of guitar sounds I go for fit really well with the synth sounds I’m into. Lush pad stuff, drifty analog-ish chords, things like that :slight_smile:


I practice this riff almost every day. Never been great at strumming but slowly making progress.
Can’t quite describe/explain the emotional connection I feel to this scene. Perhaps its the riffing combined with the gently floating cherry blossom petals, symbolizing spring/renewal or something.

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very big fan of Pajo here!
My father is also a guitar / bass player though he never taught me shit but I definitely inherited something. I taught myself from my early teens. Played in a load of touring / recording bands. I’m first and foremost a guitar and bass player too. I have quite a few guitars and have been lucky enough to play way too many to remember though one of my all time faves was a crappy 60’s vintage Silvertone electric that came with a carrying case amp.
I play mostly with my finger tips - never nails because it sounds shit - no matter who does it - it sounds shit. I love finger picking / folk, old trad but use a pick sometimes for different tones or a different kind of precision and attack (especially when I played in a band heavily influenced by sonic youth / mbv)
I can’t stand virtuoso guitar playing - way too clinical and boring (though I used to imitate van Halen and Jimmy Page solo’s in my 20’s as a way to learn more)
Stephen Malkmus is an absolute genius guitar player… sloppy and brilliant all at the same time. I think he is my guitar hero!


The same song with the band. Yes, I practice the lead guitar line too

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That’s cool. I love that here in Japan lots of kids are still playing instruments. Tons of music shops and you see kids lugging their instruments around on trains and stuff.

Do you happen to have that chord progression handy? I dig it. (I don’t watch much anime these days, what is this one)