The Guitar Thread

Nice. I’m still fighting GAS over the Keely Loomer pedal :zzz: :boom:
Could be all shoe gaze my Bass needs.

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Excellent advice. It’s how I used to put my Bass thru Octave pedals.
Gotta get the Source Audio C4 now :drooling_face:

Newest guitar, learning classical finger playing has been taking up all my playing time, I think my electrics are mad at me now!


Bought a budget nylon string (cutaway body) myself earlier this year. Kind of soft in volume compared to the proper classical guitars, but nice low action and decent enough electronics for amplified playing when needed. It’s been a game-changer for me.

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Mine also has a pickup in it, but it’s tucked away on the inside. It rattles like hell though and I hate it! The rattling that is, I really enjoy the guitar and I surprisingly really enjoy learning classical guitar, it is f*ing hard lol!

Thanks. Yeah it works for octave pedals too! Anything that has to track your playing and spit out a newly generated signal on the other end instead of just changing the input signal.
Don’t get me thinking about that C4 now!

I spent a good part of the day playing guitar today. I downloaded the free Valhalla Super Massive plug-in and was messing around with Klevgrand Stark. I bought Stark when it first came out and kind of forgot about it. It’s not a high-end modeler but actually has quite a cool old school vibe to it and sounds great with that Valhalla plugin. I think there might be a free scaled-down version of it as well.


I dig Stark, plenty of variety of quality sounds, but not overly complex. Now I need to run it into Valhalla :smiley:

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Ok, this is more about a close relative of the guitar than the guitar itself.

I was a Duran Duran fan in my junior high school years, so I’m enjoying John Taylor’s video series in a nostalgic sense. My friends and I wanted to play bass or keys, not guitar, because of this band:

He had only taken up bass guitar months before recording “Girls on Film” - to come up with these bass lines with that little experience says a lot about his talent:

He does talk about his previous instrument - guitar - in his inaugural lesson video. MPC 60 also appears:


I have had a little mini renaissance with guitar lately. A year ago I bought a ZVex LoFi Loop Junky pedal but had not really put it to work in earnest. Because, like everyone else I’ve been stuck at home I’ve been playing my kid’s cheapo nylon string guitar a lot as my main creative outlet. One day I started to record little chord changes into the loop junky and playing simple lead lines behind it. One of the really cool things about the loop junky is how good the live playing sounds going over the loop when run through it (maybe to do with compression). Anyway, this little germ of an idea has spread to a full fledged batch of songs i am quite happy with. It Has again clued me in to the fact that it is so much about the approach to the gear as it is the gear itself.


Yes I do. Have for maybe 5 years. I got a ‘first time dryer mixed pack of 5’…or 10. Or 7. Anyway I wish I had just looked better at the pics they put up as I know what shape I like.

Tradition Lite and the same with Ghost rim.

Love them. Last for a good while so I buy 5 at a time. Loose 2, put 1 somewhere safe, play 2 :wink:

First test recording with Digitone and an Harley Benton 8 strings fanfret. Hx Stomp as amp sim.
It is called Never Paint in Black Before a Video Gig. :content:
(Low level recording)


real nice!

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Yes. i record my guitar through a laney cub 12 into the :elot: mostly with pick up machines. once figured how they work they give you lots of opportunities. its an easy and fast workflow. I also really like to mangle the guitarsound through the three LFOs. The first on the amp volume for a tremolo effect, second on amp balance and third on the filter width. As second effect i like the spatializer. It gives the sound a nice space. This settings work quiet well with a clean strat sound.


Does anyone here have any experience with the Yamaha Revstars?

I’m considering picking one up as more of an all-rounder than my maple-neck Tele. I’ve always been interested in a Jazzmaster but looking at the current Fender offerings they seem a bit lacklustre unless you’re spending 1500+ on an American model.

The P90-equipped Revstars in particular seem to look and sound really good for the money.


That P90 guitar looks great. I don’t have any experience with this one, but I’ve heard really good things about the build quality of their guitars.

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I just got a 620 and it’s unbelievably good. was after the 502 but couldnt find it in any shop to try first. also tried the 420 which didnt compare

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Nice, thank you, I’m impressed at the glowing reviews I’m hearing from people who have them (not so much for the 4xx series but then spec wise they are very different) and the reasonable pricing.

The 502 is the one I’m interested in as well (the P90s sound right for me and I like the look of the wraparound bridge), or maybe the 502TFMX (for the ash grey flame). Shame nowhere’s open to try one.

i also tried some gibson more than double the price that didn’t play as nice as the 620, the 502 seems to have the similar binding on the neck - but of course don’t know if that indicates its the same fretwork etc. … the 420 didn’t have the binding and it felt more like a guitar in its price range (still overall super substantial - but i considered the supreme feel of the 620 well worth the price hike. sound wise too). I suppose its fair to assume if you buy brand new online, that you 'd need a professional setUp done. I am extremely happy with my purchase and am playing many hours a day since I have it

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Yes, looks like there’s a spec jump from the 4xx to the 5xx that includes a change in body materials, from the 5xx up you get the mahogany neck and mahogany/maple body, I’m sure that makes a significant difference. Wish I could try one!

What colour did you get? How’s the finish?