The Guitar Thread

This Guitar thread here in a synth forum is way cooler than TGP or 7thString…


Not to mention drum machines, samplers and outboard. It’s tough!

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it’s like I’m looking in a mirror

hello me.


I tell myself it could be alot worse - I could be into cars and watches….

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One of the finest guitarists I’ve ever heard live. And a Matinee, to boot, so I’ll be home for tea and crumpets before night night.


I have the Smiley one. Sounds good but had an issue getting a battery in it. Sounds all messed up on battery power so have to use DC power. The whole point in buying it was to be able to use a battery. Gonna keep it though since it sounds great.

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I’ll have to google him, not familiar.

you could get really into radio control cars and casio g shock watches if you ever change your mind, then probably still find a synth or 2 in your budget. mixing with guitars… tough cocktail. could be deadly!

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Well he’s from a jazz background but he can really go to town improvising in a good way. Never wanky to my ear.

I’ve been considering selling my GK and switching back to a junky old Peavey bass head just to get more use out of my Carcosa. I really love it but it just doesn’t mesh well with the GK brightness.

I kinda miss having a muff but now that I’m playing a jazz bass I don’t think I need any more mid scoop. For a really long time my rig was whatever cheap junky bass I had working at the moment, into 70s Peavey mk3 into whatever bass cab another band on the bill was willing to loan me for our set. I’m glad I can afford nice gear that always works these days, I’d like to never have the output jack of my bass fall out of the bass mid set again, but sometimes I miss the chaos of my youth haha.


Ah man. I got tickets to the evening show. Then they brought the matinee ones out and I could have cried. Home for tea. No worries about trains. Gutted.


Yeah but they will be nicely warmed up for the evening show.

Did you see him last year at cardigan hall? Amazing.

No, first time!

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I haven’t had a chance to try any of the legends series pedals yet but I would love to put the crimson through its paces. I was lucky enough to play one of the originals (red army overdrive) in a shop once in the late 90s and it just floored me. Like my beloved green Russian big muff but just more and better. I’m curious to see if the legends version captures that or not, I really can’t tell from demos.
I didn’t buy the original pedal because the store wanted just shy of $200 for it and at the time that seemed like more than any pedal could ever be worth. Been kicking myself ever since.
As for the bender, I’d like to give it a whirl. I dig the tonebender sound and I don’t have anything that really does it. I couldn’t care less about the chemical makeup of the transistors as long as the circuit that contains them is designed accordingly. Plopping a si into a circuit designed for ge might change the sound (sometimes) but you can craft a si circuit to mimic a ge one.

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One of my all time favorite bass amps! I hoard peavey amps. I wish they made cars!


I feel like that amp is such a rite of passage for anyone playing in a punk band hahah. I’ve been thinking about trying a 90s Peavey T-Max head, they’re pretty dang cheap and I’ve heard great things and seems like a cool head conceptually.


I’ve had a classic 30 for about as many years as it has watts and to my ears it’s so loud that it hardly gets any use anymore but I wouldn’t dream of getting rid of it. might like some fancy NOS unobtanium tubes for it though…


String advice wanted……

Just got a new Strat. Would you change the strings out pretty soon or will the stock ones be fine for a few months? And any recommendations for someone who knows nothing and just does beginner noodles? I’d rather something that lasted and sounded bluesey , if there is such a thing.

These strings feel pretty twangy compared to my newish Gretsch . I take it that Strats generally rock lighter strings?


when you say new, they’re the strings that came from fender - or the store of purchase - on the guitar when you bought it?

Factory strings