The joy of printed manuals : )

Anyone done a hard back version yet. I think having them on a shelf would look so cool.

I have used once to get a printed manual. It was softcover though, but you can easily pick a hardcover version.

It was a moog manual though, and not as many pages as an elektron manual.

The sprial-bound is great, because it will stay flat.


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True the staying flat is why most go for it.

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I don’t really need a manual for the op-1 but I get a little obsessive sometimes…


Lovely! I’ve got more on the way today too, to fulfil my new obsession as well :grinning:

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This is exactly what I do as well.

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Any tips on a good source for printing and binding manuals in the EU?

I used to print manuals out in the bad old days before programming documentation was on the web.

I can’t live without full text search, so I only print out stuff that I want to mark up or use away from electronics these days.

A big eInk tablet would be fun - I’ve been a Kindle user since the wedge.

It may be cheaper to just buy a duplex printer and a spiral binding machine.

I haven’t used that binding machine, but those Brother laser printers remind me of the 1990s HP LaserJets - bulletproof and cheap per-page.


Used them for my Elektrons. Good service in uk.

I love printed manuals, and Elektron ones are the greatest currently available in my opinion. I keep PDFs of them on hand in Dropbox storage, reason I don’t print them is due to updates making them obselete… Which says a lot about how awesome Elektron are for updating machines that are up to a decade old!


Great. I am a user if a rm2 and love it. My rm1 is now with a colleague.

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Sure is a shame that rM have effectively just killed every drop of customer loyalty with their new subscription model BS…


I too like a full paper manual. I also had a spiral bound one for the Monomachine printed when bought my first (used) Elektron ages ago. Well worth the money and I was actually able to recoup the printing cost when I sold because of it.

Not sure people care so much these days.

Man I hate to be that guy, but is this a little bit of a waste of paper/resources?

That could be part of the motivation of companies not printing anymore?

I don’t want to seem like a hypocrite, I do have a printed excel sheet with common CCs sitting nearby my synths. It’s a single page that rarely gets updated. But hundreds of pages? Damn.

Might just be me. I get a little annoyed at the use of extra, unnecessary packaging too. Like, double individually wrapped accessories or paperwork inside another plastic sleeve.


I don’t expect it in the from the manufacturer for these reasons but I see no reason why an individual can’t print one from the PDF if they like. Although, TBF, I feel like a lot of manuals don’t even actually cover all the functionality in the gear any longer and it really get the nitty gritty you have to wait for a dedicated YouTuber to create a great walkthrough.

More power to those that actually read manuals, whatever form.

I suppose because everyone has to do their part, every bit counts, one vote matters, etc…

I’ve been hyper-conscious of this since my daughter was born. I keep thinking about how hard her generation is going to have it. Kind of like how the baby-boomers fvcked us economically, we could be doing the same to her ecologically.

Again, a couple of guys printing their manuals for their synthesizers isn’t going destroy the rainforests. But how many actually would?

Sorry to be a buzzkill, it just got me thinking.

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Absolutely. I can’t even believe that it is legal to take away features you bought with the device and now put it behind a pay wall. ?!
It’s like buying a car and after a year VW comes and wants you to pay 5€ a month for using the wheels…

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You aren’t wrong at all. Unfortunately some things like the continued urge for paper media only go away when with the last generation with a use for it. As I writer, I still like to hand write first drafts as well. Additionally, in some regards I’d still much rather grade a paper essay then do it all digitally but at the same time I’m happy as a teacher my classes or 99% zero paper now.

It is unfortunate we now at a crisis point where it feels like I have to give up a few indulgences that might have otherwise not mattered if our forerunners had more insight.

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Thank the Baby-boomers for most of it.

I’m not totally innocent or anything, just trying to be conscious where there isn’t an absolute necessity.

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