The Octatrack is amazing

Yep, and OT has 4 ins and outs. So multiple external input parallel FX texture tracks just waiting to happen. + neighbors

Sorry @DaveMech, can’t stop, won’t stop :wink:


Well, just finished band practice. All agreed, it works mighty fine.
I’m using it to basically generate filtered feedback, which I can play with and mix in with the main signal. Allows me to intensify the main sample really easily.

Octatrack huh?


Well I’ve had it a week now and I wouldn’t thought I’d be saying this but, I get it!

Not mastered it by a long shot, but fully understand how the different machines work, scenes, parts, patterns and different trigmodes. It’s pretty much the centre of my setup now. Even have midi into ableton and 2 mono tracks out of my soundcard routed back into the audio inputs on the OT was simple enough.

I’d still be tempted to re-purchase the ableton push so I have all that another glance away, as mapping all the functionality I use in ableton to the OT isn’t feasible. I do imagine with the right setup template and audio going back and forth I can get some ideas down very quickly from the best of both worlds. That said I definitely feel much stronger in the hardware world due to the OT. I have bought and sold a fair bit of hardware but never really kept much of it as I couldn’t use it to full potential without the right sampler which the OT certainly is. It definitely seems to be the highest quality sampler I have used.

Contrary to what many have said, I actually find the OT to be a really good composition tool. I definitely get way more out of my other hardware this way. Finished the arrangement of a track in a couple of days, which never happens.


I’m about 3 weeks in with mine and I feel you.

I’m nowhere near fluid with it and muscle memory is a while away but I totally get the underlying concepts behind how each element works and why.

Though none of that prevented the hour long argument with myself about why exactly it wouldn’t play my synths via the midi tracks last night, but that’s life, I guess…


Composing in Ableton used to take me forever. Using Octatrack is infinitely quicker, more intuitive, and more fun.

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Did you suss it out in the end?

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Nope, I’m assuming it’s my fault, as I skipped that part of the manual thinking it would be basically the same as the Digitakt.
Everything seems set up right, but no midi messages being received by anything connected to the OT. I’m gonna go over that bit of the manual tonight, sure there’s just a setting I’ve missed somewhere.

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Ah yes. Its not.
You’ll figure it out.
Top tip 1, in the main menu settings, for midi, turn ‘direct connect’ OFF. That shit is just way too confusing so deactivating it will save headaches during the learning process.

Top tip 2. Octatrack is way more fussy about clicking and turning a knob, and maybe clicking it again, to select a parameter, than any other elektron box.


If you need any help on this, just let us know what you‘ve tried thus far (and how you have it set up, ie midi keyboard or using the trigs etc), happy to assist if I can.


Oh you guys. :relaxed:

Turns out it’s not just the Octatrack that’s awesome.

If I’m still stuck on it tomorrow I’ll hit the bat signal. Thanks.


My biggest hangup with MIDI tracks was learning that I had to hit yes when changing the channel of each track, otherwise it reverted to defaults. Hopefully it’s something simple like that.


:thinking: Unless you want to control midi tracks parameters of active track, or use always the same CCs on a midi controller to control CTRL1/2, I think it’s better to set CC DIRECT CONNECT to ON (default).


Do you mean that’s the reason i always have to reattribute the encoders on the FX slots of Midi tracks?

So with CC’s on OFF it would stay set for good?

With CC DIRECT CONNECT OFF, active track responds to these CCs, on Auto Channel :

So with CCs 36-45 set in a controller, you can control CTRL1/2 parameters, and they send CCs set in their respective setup.

I am not sure that’s what i mean.
I think you’re speaking about controlling things with an external midi controller.

My problem is to control iOS synths with Midi tracks. When I open an OT project, the FX knobs are always on OFF and i need to reassign the knobs.
The apps don’t send back the values maybe that’s why.

Yes I was originally talking about settings on a midi controller.

OT don’t guess for you what CCs you’d want, yet. :content:
Just make a template project.

I did a template. I do the Midi learning and it works. Project saved.
After a power cycle though, all the FX1 / FX2 on midi tracks are OFF.

Did you save the relevant Part(s) before saving the Project?

So guess which knobhead spent all of Monday ranting about how great cables are, only to be let down by three midi cables in a row…?

Turns out my Octatrack wasn’t controlling anything because the two midi cables between them and the one I swapped out to make sure it wasn’t a broken cable were all shagged.

Octatrack working fine, thanks for the help @Microtribe and @hausland


Looking for one sampler/sequencer to rule them all. Is it the Octatack?