December 16, 2016, 7:05pm
My first attempt in pairing up the MicroBrute to Octatrack, or rather first attempt with a hardware analog synth.
All seems to go well, MIDI is received on Channel 1.
But when I sequence, it seems there is a slight echo or repeat effect on each note ? A very slight repeat or retrigger kind of effect ?
Have you guys faced this problem with any hardware analog synth ?
most likely cause is a MIDI loop. If the OT is sending MIDI data to the MicroBrute, remove the MIDI cable from the MicroBrute OUT and see if the echo stops.
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what about if you manually play the mb ? does it still echo ? have you turned on ARP on the MIDI track ?
there is no MIDI out on brute though
December 16, 2016, 7:13pm
Yes I think its the MIDI loop. I am basically using the Octatrack to sequence the AMB.
Is there any other way to solve this MIDI looping ?
well that makes a loop harder.
That’s what I get for commenting before researching.
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Are you monitoring through a DAW?