The Poly Synth 'the One'

I can play keys… & piano…that’s maybe why I find it boring !! Maybe I’m not a good enough player though to think ‘away’ from the basic stuff I’ve done for years !

The beauty of working with some monosynths or a modular is that it forces you to think about creating music from a totally different perspective… almost ‘unlearning’ all those scales & chords. I think that’s what I mean by ‘boring’ …but totally - YMMV :slight_smile:

I believe both ways can bring new songs to life :slight_smile:


Hydrasynth is my “the One” poly synth, and it is not boring at all.


If you like playing pianos and keyboards, no doubt get the richest or most interesting poly you can, something from dave smith with a lot of voices, a dx7 or a summit (? People seem to like these). The whole mono vs poly argument doesn’t mean anything if you play it or need it sequenced in real time. If youre just programming it, of course you can get more wild multitracking a mono

thanks for the details

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I’ve had my 2 Abyss for slightly over 2 years now and I am coming to grips with creating new sounds with them.
I have them split at middle C with one Abyss below middle C and the other at or above middle C.
Seems like a nice compromise to get up to 8 voices/8 VCOs.
Plus I can set a different timbre for the top/bottom.

I’ve just had a tweak on a mate’s Kijimi. He’s only had it a few days, and there’s still no manual, but he’s already put some amazing patches together; even with not knowing the ins and outs, I quickly came up with more than pleasing sounds. Damn it sounds fantastic (I guess it should for the price), and super flexible - up to 16 lfo’s per voice. (bipolar envelopes and lfos) Also fantastic in mono mode. The app/editor looks very intuitive. Mono timbral, but if I could solder, I’d seriously consider this. Pre-built it’s is way, way beyond my means. No wavefolding, or dedicated overdrive, no effects (patch delay FX with lfo’s); ring modulation type fx possible - filters sound more creamy and rich, as opposed to knarly / aggressive. I’ve never had my hands-on any of the classic big analogue polys, but the kijimi doesn’t sound like it’s trying to emulate them. It’s features go into new territory. I really didn’t think I’d be wanting an analogue poly again, until this evening!

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the a4 was made for 4track mono first ,then upgrade to smart voice allocated to use as poly,that is the great tradition of early oberheim poly base on sem,but with easily digital and midi control of modern day,the real(maybe a kind of textbook definition)poly synth start with sir dave smith give the birth of pro5,simple synth structure but best harmony between voices is some thing about poly synth,great modulation ability is about mono synth,p6,ob6 is former and a4 is the not,it is great modulation machine

do not compare two thing looks same but actually different:
virus ti2 keyboard and prophet 5 rev 4,they maybe all looks have 61 key,some knob,audio in out…,i am not talking about digital vs analog,they are totally different thing,virus is made to be an 16 part va(and much more)synth workstation,it is not just a synthesizer,it s 16,it the kind of yamaha or korg workstion,for me i never think yamaha motif is a synthesizer,even it could be play like a synth,so do the virus,for p5,it is the original analog poly synth ,because it start that species