The Running Thread

If you haven’t tried it, zone 2 or maf training is the way to go. It’ll help you build an aerobic base without overtraining stress. Here’s a starting point that might help …


What worked for my spouse is “run slow and long to run fast”, but that doesn’t work for me 'cause I get bored and my mind starts to drift to unpleasant zones, so now I run intensely over a shorter distance. There is an older woman who goes out for walks in the morning when I’m out and she’s always encouraging me, which is pretty awesome! There is also the “couch to 5k” style of run/walk intervals.

Proper attire can really make a difference, especially if you get hot easily when you exercise.

Treats (experiences, food, or fun purchases) can also be a good motivator if that’s something that works for you. On run days I’ll settle back with a nice IPA once it’s quittin’ time. Or you can keep track of your distance and set goals and have a bigger reward when you reach them. I try to avoid quantifying stuff too much now because I’ll push too hard if I do that but it can work well for some people.


Don’t do too much in the beginning. If you’re able to run two miles, then do that for a while. Your stamina will build up slowly over time. Don’t think about achieving some fuzzy goal, take the time for yourself and clear your head. That’s how I use running :smiley: After a stressful day, there’s nothing better. When I get out of the shower after a run, I am reborn.


thanks. yeah, I started Couch to 5k last week. It’s nice to have clear instructions, and it starts small.


Those sound like my runs! Maybe a bit slower, closer to 6 minutes per km. But I do run at 5 minutes and faster on race days. I don’t know how much longer I will be able to keep that up… I’m 40 years old now. Lol

I love the head trips I go on. I think about all sorts of things. Sometimes I think about great musical ideas, or come up with solutions to technical problems. I work in a very technical field, and sometimes I get stuck on something when I’m looking at the problem too closely for too long… Going on a run often sets my head straight. I’ll be several km into my run and then out of nowhere a big lightbulb starts flashing and I know the answer.


I need to do this – I love wine and love running. Thanks for sharing that. I had no idea. This might be the best motivation to train for a marathon :laughing:

And once again on the topic of running shoes: As I said before, I really like my Escalante Racer but I needed a new pair and couldn’t find any in my size (44 EU/US 10) but I found the women’s version of the Racer which looks nice as well in 44,5 EU and ordered them.

What can I say, they do fit even better :smiley: A bit tighter around the ankle and upper foot but even more spacious in the front wich is ideal for me. I also have very slim hands, so I guess that makes sense.

So, if you’re struggling to find the perfect size, it’s always an option to check the other gender!

Related to shoes…
These socks solved all my problems, I buy 3 pairs (in black) every 6 months.

Spring has sprung on my twice weekly commuting trot to one of my workplaces.


I was in an accident last Friday, crazy golf if you can believe it! 40 stitches in my mouth, two broken ribs and whiplash. Really missing running right now and not sure when I’ll get to go again soon.

On the upside my new desk came so I can at least focus on music.

Those par 5s are a death trap.

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So, how is everybody doing running wise? I’m glad to report back that I made it through winter with plenty of running and now that spring is approaching I’ve started working on my speed, which seems quite promising considering my baseline is somewhere between a heavily sedated sloth and a couple of fornicating garden snails.


Sadly I was in an accident about a month ago. Ripped my top lip open, broke two ribs and have to have 6 new teeth. Crazy golf is a dangerous game!

I was training for a half marathon in May and a full one in September but doc says I need to heal if I want to run long term. I’m taking advantage of the situation by exploring my Eurorack and jamming as much as possible.

Some interesting observations after a month of no running:

My sleep is terrible.

My body aches when I wake up in the morning (not just from the injuries, I feel sluggish and stiff).

When I walk anywhere at a brisk pace I sweat like a motherfucker. I also feel a bit more dehydrated so I guess my water retention has decreased because I found that I didn’t sweat much when running.

Really itching to get back out there but want to make sure I don’t cause a setback in recovery

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Ouch, that sucks! All the best for your recovery. The good thing is, you know what you’ll return to, even if it takes a while to get back in shape.

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Bolstered by having identified an autumn half to focus on (and also to make space for more chocolate), got out for a lovely 16km this morning. London looking glorious.
Happy Easter!:hatching_chick:

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I’m prepping for a marathon which is in 30 days so did a 32km training run today. Had a minor low sugar meltdown at 20km :laughing: but pulled through thanks to eating lots of Honey Stinger chews.

What race snacks/nutrition are people using?

We discovered a new trail and the views were fantastic. A good reminder to us why we moved to Colorado from London, and how great running can be for the mind and body wherever you are in the world.

35km next weekend :grimacing: