The shortcut to enter a trig into Fill condition is gone! why?

Hi everyone. I’ve just updated to 1.60 and I’m so sorry I did because I can no longer use the shortcut to create a Fill trig. I used to easily and quickly turn the knob left and the FILL condition would appear. It’s central to my workflow and now it’s gone. Is there another easy/quick way to turn a trig into fill mode that fast? I’m going crazy over this. WHY would they change that?

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See the bottom of Pg 46 of the freshly updated (2 days ago) PDF Manual


On the TRIG PARAMETERS page, there is a parameter called TRC (Trig Condition) with which a set of conditional rules can be applied to any trig, using a parameter lock. You access this parameter by pressing and holding a trig. The TRC parameter temporarily replaces the PROB parameter while you keep the trig key pressed.

To make room for the functionality of the new “Trig Probability” aka PRB. There were no slots left on the trig menu, and the two functionalities are inherently similar.

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I know it’s still there. I mean the “Quick Way”, the short cut. You used to press a trig, and quickly turn the parameter knob left so you can set a fill trig in less than a second, you could do this repeatedly in order to create your fill. Now it takes forever to slowly select “fill” for every trig. The shortcut is gone. I’m asking WHY? Now the same happens when you quickly turn left or right. It just shows this “100”, that in my opinion is so lazy and boring. I want to create my own fills quickly, not let the machine randomly do everything for me. The new thing is welcomed, but removing the shortcut some of us were SO used to? why? They could easily just left it there while you are pressing the trig.

Just checking: are you aware that you can hold multiple trigs at the same time and then give those a condition ?
It’s still pretty much a twist of the knob to the right and you’ll have a fill set. Not that much slower in my experience. I do get what you mean but I got used to the new thing pretty quickly.


This 100% is needed once the probability parameter has been made shared across all the track trigs (which is a very welcome feature for the large majority of users, Id say).
Probabilities on the left and trig conditions on the right is IMO a real improvement, it makes it faster and thus more usable to set a trig condition or probability.

What is lazy is refusing to understand the benefits of such a change in UX, while basically no feature was lost, and this with a free upgrade that includes the mk1. Or not taking the time to document oneself about the impact of upgrading the instrument when it specifically addresses a key feature of one’s workflow.


Because it’s deemed much more useful given the new Prob functionality. Fill is a twist away. It was considered far more important to be able to prioritise 100% due to there being no way to guarantee a trig playing otherwise if prob was performed. This was already implemented on other devices before these and is consistent with the view a user sees before pressing. The 100% is shown, it has to be and that’s a further reason.

You don’t have to like it, but you do have to accept it whether you find it boring or lazy (whatever that means) but it’s considered an improvement by those who understand the benefits and consistency it brings. Making Fill locks is the next easiest in any case, it was known that some would not prefer this prioritisation but the decision was to implement it the way it has been.

I do! But still not that fast. With the original shortcut you could make it live in a blink, second nature. Now you need to look at the screen and that sucks!

Change is always hard lol, but your muscle memory will adjust quickly enough :slight_smile:

I still don’t understand WHY. Moving left fast while pressing the trig could still be the fill shortcut. Moving right could be 100%. Why both sides 100???

I think nobody undestands, my english is bad so sorry about that. I’m from Argentina. I like the new features. But I don’t see the need of removing the shortcut. Trig pressed, move knob fast left: Fill shortcut. Move right: 100%.

Why not???

I personally welcome the change, I spent a total of 10 minutes adjusting. As far as why? Only Elektron staff that were involved in the decision making could give you the exact answer as to why. Otherwise it’s just speculation.


What you propose makes no sense, best make peace with this, I have explained why it has to be the way it is. The shortcut hasn’t been removed, it has been retargeted at what was designated a more desirable target. Some you win, some you lose, but this is established now as the norm and is considered a workflow enhancement. The price is that you have to turn right a bit

If I can get used to it, I’m sure you can too :slight_smile: No need to look. Just a short twist to the right.

The probability addition is one of the best new features for performing live, so no idea how that can be considered anything other then awesome tbh.

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The thing for me is that I use the fills a lot, maybe not everyone does. But for me is central in my flow. Creating fills on the fly just pressing some trigs and turning a knob fast without even looking at the screen. Now that’s not possible, and it sucks for me.

It’s still possible, you just have to adjust a little.

And regarding left/right twist: 100% is simply the first condition. However, not a very bad idea if the behavior would change to right twist first selecting fill and left 100% I guess :). File in a feature request.


Thanks for your input! I will! Guys like Baseck and Cuckoo used this feature all the time too to create fills on the fly, I’m pretty sure they’ll miss it too.

Again, you can still create fills on the fly. It’s just a slight harder twist to the right :slight_smile: Give it a bit of time for the muscle memory to sink in.

The people beta testing the Digi series updates were very active in this thought process, indeed it was my shout to have 100% added (having recalled a @darenager FR as it was clearly missing when prob was added to the Models). The resulting functionality was deemed the best and most consistent with the UI as it reads before locking. I also recall that the fill junkies would likely be upset a bit, but it has still been implemented this way and I think it’s for the better, as do Elektron obviously.

Honestly, make peace with it, learn to twist right and embrace the 100% potential

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I have no problem twisting right. I have a problem not being able to do it FAST without looking at the screen. I’m not talking about the “common” position in the parameter list. I’m talking about the shortcut. The QUICK twist to the left used to lock in the fill position, without the need to be precise. Now both sides fast gets you the 100%.

Why both sides? Why not keeping the fill on left OR RIGHT (I don’t care tbh) but why 2 fast shortcuts get you to the same place?

I repeat: I mean the FAST turn, the shortcut, not the regular twist (those I can re-learn and I don’t care, it’s slow anyway)

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you didn’t need to twist left to lock before - you simply needed to press teh encoder down, which is now assigned to 100% by default

honestly, this is the way it is,now, best to make peace with that - you may have liked fill being easier, but it’s gone and it’s been thought through, it’s not an accident, it was anticipated and this is how it has worked out.

You need to turn right a bit more to get to a Fill lock - all TRC non % locks are right, all percentage functionality for TRC and Prob is left

It is the way it is, you don’t need to understand you need to learn how to use what you have now, sorry, it’s time to adapt