The sound of the A4/AK... like or dislike?

For a while now, the Digitone. Not sure why but it has found a way up front! At least I focus the most on the DN, and the A4 rounds everything off/makes the track feel complete.

That might not be what it sounds like but everything is relative I guess.

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Im struggling for a front centre. Ive gone through a lot of choices recently but nothing seems to fit. :slight_smile:

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The A4 could be that for you. It might end up being that for me eventually as I learn some tricks.

The 4 tracks really help. It gives you options, time to explore.

Also the drums sounds are pretty sweet. That kick can SLAP!

EDIT: Seems you might already have an A4… I will leave what I wrote for others that might be considering it.

Cheers anyway. Yes but ive never considered it before till now. Ive had plenty of synths but they arent inspiring me. Perhaps if i concentrate fully on the A4 it may rejuvenate me a bit :slight_smile:


My front and centre is my Motas-6 that thing is the definition of analog sound to my ears and It can even out do the A4 in terms of modulated sounds but I like having the 4 voices of the A4 at my disposal where I can be a little less precious about them… Sometimes quite a simple sound is what you need and I don’t feel like I’m wasting a synth voice if I use the A4 for that.


I make most of my tracks at the moment with DN/A4 for synth sounds and I also think they complement each other perfect sonically.


Absolutely. Music is a highly subjective thing. There is no good or bad. Just a matter of taste.

The reason why I like my AK so much is, it basically feels like a blank canvas.
When you start at oscillator level, waveshape modulation on all oscs can already do so much, the feedback osc is a whole world basically.

It can go into so many directions, I can beef up the sound in different ways (osc levels, filter distortion, filter two as highpass with resonance and keytracking), but it usually fits perfectly in the mix without much effort.

It has two distinctly different filters, filter two sounds pretty roland-ish (what I like), tons of modulation etc…
All those env shapes and control you have over the lfos is just nuts and if you need more, just use a neighbour track to feed one voice into another…

With macros I can set up stereo analog filters with offset control and panning + modulation for some stereo madness!
Route your audio interface into the A4/AK and filter down drums or inject movement into pad sounds…

But like a blank canvas, you got to fill it yourself. No magic pencil will do this and it happens sometimes, that I can’t really get the sound I was looking for and while the two sweetspot synths that are sitting next to my AK already start to giggle I’m still turning knobs…but eventually I’ll be rewarded with an amazing sound. :upside_down_face:

All these descriptions why someone likes or dislikes the A4/AK are of course also highly subjective, people really have to try for themselves.


I like it for the same reasons, switched mine on today and it has 4 amazing sounds loaded up I’ve been working on and I’ve found recently … There is no doubt in my mind it is a great synth and great sounding… that is just my opinion

you can feed them into neighbor tracks? I hadn’t figured that bit out yet! I must try this


OSC 1 has the feedback option, OSC 2 can be set to NEI. :upside_down_face:

Also the delay turned down to 1 with overdrive dialed in is an awesome sounding distortion! Obviously you´re losing the delay, but it´s worth it.

*Edit wanted to say overdrive, not feedback sry. I don’t remember the exact settings I used, but basically you ramp up the delay overdrive with time set to 1, turn up delay send and mix in a little of the delay.
I think it doesn’t even need feedback or not much. :slight_smile:
Be careful when adjusting parameters, it can get pretty wild.


Awesome Thanks man I will be trying this tomorrow!

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There’s so many tips and tricks in here that’d be so great to post over in the tips and tricks thread, I might have to copy and paste some of it over there when I have time


me too, but only discovered this recently.
For years I used filter one as standard filter, and filter 2 only for peak or to boost low end with resonant hp.
But now I use mainly the lowpass of filter 2 for all simple sounds and I like it much better


This is what I need to do as soon as I get a couple things done. Thank you.

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Hmmm…So I could have track one playing a bunch of soundlocked drum sounds then send those thru the filters of track two, like a neighbor track on the OT?
Edit: Never mind, I searched…the forum and the manual. But hell yeah. Ca’t do that on a Moog :rofl:


hey man, I was trying this trick out today but im a bit confused TBH…
does it feed osc1 into osc 2 or do you mean feed track 1 both osc into track 2 osc 2
i think it was able to do both?
but the pitch doesnt track when set to neighbor…

Also does anyone know of some good tutorial videos?
I know all the basics and think i understand the AM mode but get stuck with FM and Feedback/Neighbor even the sync modes and all the more complicated stuff

It should feed the whole voice on a track into the next one.
For example, you dial in (or load) a sound into track 1, put in trigs (so that it plays like usual) and then set track 2 to neighbour (osc2 to NEI) - now track 1 can be shaped with everything in track 2.

On track 2, you’ll need to trig the amp env I think(?), ao set note length to inv, amp sustain max and trig once.

If I remember correctly…it’s basically like on the OT.

I need one more coffee, then I can switch on my machines and check.


ok thanks, think i get it now, i was trying to combine osc or something…
so its more for shaping the sound ill give it another go!

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Yep, it’s similar to a neighbour machines on OT.

It’s useful especially for complex and/or evolving sounds that need further shaping imho.
Imagine you have used both filters for sound design on one track, there is filter fm going on for example and maybe also osc fm from lfos, everything is dialed in perfectly - now you could feed that whole track into the next one and gain another whole set of filters, amp, envs and lfos for modulation.


So…works like I wrote above. Just select NEI, turn up osc and amp level, put in at least one inf trig with amp sustain max or copy the trigs from the track above into the neighbour track.

Double filter overdrive is super crunchy and can really spice up basses and acid lines, because the neighbour track effectively provides a post filter, post amp distortion for the preceeding track.

Neighbour tracks are probaply amongst the most overlooked features, though you can do pretty wild stuff with them.

You can also mix in the other oscillator on the neigbour track and p-lock pitch on all all oscs independently. Wild stuff.

Speaking of overlooked features…I never tested if AM, sync and FM are possible with an external signal as osc input…


I finally got it to work as you described, I had to copy the notes from track 1 to track 2 and turn the track volume down on track 1… now it’s double everything!. I was reading the manual there isn’t much info but you can feed it through all 4 voices…

I managed to make to make some patches with the feedback that track pitch properly today also… the feedback settings on the 1st osc takes the output from the filter 1 so if you turn up filter tracking and add a bit of envelope to the feedback osc 1 vol it makes some crazy feedback distorted leads… add some unison and it’s huge…

So much to explore on this synth! you just have to put in the time to learn each bit