The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

yea its also a live resampling function. can use it to create textures that respond to your other tracks. I’m personally more interested in that aspect.

it’s one of the best things about the MD imo.


pattern direct jump!
and since I’m dreaming, sample playback


After listening to the entire 1 hour audio track last night, I feel I have to write. My only Elektron gear is their original SID Station, bought new. Previously, I was thinking about an Erica Synths LRX-02, and although Syntakt is more money, it seems very comprehensive, like a Roland Groovebox, only more whacky and extreme. Love Roland, of course, though they can sound a bit bland and polite. I’m going to log in here a bit more often, especially after people start to get their own Syntakt to play about with. I don’t think the Tom is an omission though, because that is only one sound out of many, which even on a sample based groovebox, you can create with other non-Tom PCMs.


It might be interesting to be able to port projects from the Model:Cycles to Syntakt. I’m sure it’s not trivial, and there might need to be restrictions. But it would permit the use of M:C as a more portable sketchpad, with further development on Syntakt.


wondering if the External Input audio path can be re-routed to be an OUTPUT.
Be great if the AR engines could be sent separately to external processing.
Like, could it be done via the EFFECT RETURNS circuit?
Or, could the Headphone out be used to rout one track split from the main out?


You might be able to do it by hard panning the outout of the FX track and the rest of the tracks to either output.

I see what what you’re getting at, but I’m wondering if it’s possible to have more physical outputs. Hard panning is what i’ll do anyway, but nice to have the options.

electrically speaking it is somewhat complicated to make an audio jack that can work as an input and an output. I think this is probably impossible on this device.

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Just so that future generations can‘t say I gave up:
Possibility to turn off autosave.

@roger : as you mentioned in a post about a4:
Possibility to save p-locked step sounds.
Did I understand that correctly in your comparision post: no transpose on st ( one can‘t press a track nr and transpose with up/ down like on dn? A4transpose is much better of course)

Otherwise thanks to elektron team.
If i get to hear some simple but lush and warm sounding pad sounds (if not, request for that machine) and some more nice, maybe warmer chord sounds from adam jay and dave mech I might get tempted to get one as all in one quick box for the cabin.

Well, apart from analog distortion ( is my dn dist broken, or i don’t like it? don’t know) etc most things should be posssible on one dn with patience ( from me, I also don‘t get nice pads on dn easily ) so don‘t think its urgent.


Put a Dual switch on the Mixer page 3 just like on the Digis.


If it hasn’t been implemented that way from the start, almost certainly not. I would assume there’s only one set (maybe two) of D/A converters. A more realistic option might be to be able to have the headphone and main outputs send different audio, but even that is likely to be hardwired in.

There was a thread on someone making an overbridge output hardware box (searched but can’t seem to find it).

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Trig modifiers to have option to quantize/snap to beat when a beat is playing live. Request to have this option on the Rytm too pls!


Will Elektron be selling new Machines as packs in the future? I’m wondering what the mature version of this device could look like.


They would have to be in a firmware update.

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i think it would be nice if you could drive the ST by using e.g. a midi Track on the DN and transpose the arrangement.

Have sounds ‘locked’ or ‘open’ for transposing.

(asked for a similar feature on the DN by using the arp and multi mapping the soundpool to a Track. If you’d loop (route internally) the midi out track back into the DN for transposing. It doesn’t have to be an Arp per se, but you could build sequences using the soundpool (locked kicks, snares etc) and the transpose the selected synth patch of that track by external/internal midi)

Maybe have an additional ‘performance mode’ instant pattern hot swapping on the go (programmable per sequence, like a sequence pool of 8)
somewhat like the Polyend Tracker

  • the 4 modifiers and maybe another 4 with a secondary effects parameter changes like ‘Trig locks’ to instantly apply on press down and release when ‘releasing’

Anyhow, just some silly ideas.
And i’ll have to save up to buy one first, so plenty of time



Also, the PTN daisy chaining on DN opposed to a SONG mode:

Would it be possible to use a midi track to send Program Changes???

This way you could use 1 dedicated miditrack on any Elektron machine (digi) as a SONG mode??? (or perhaps use each of the 4 available midi tracks to drive a seperate external Machine?

meaning: 64 sequencer steps max for driving a complete arrangement (PTNs)
Like Trig locks enter the Program Change to switch PTNs. Have this miditrack set to a certain tempo/speed/length

so if e.g. trig 1 sends program change to play PTN 001 on a DT, DN, ST, etc it plays for say 1 bar (16 steps) before going to step 2 PTN 002,

When no prg change is Trig locked it just keeps playing the last until the end initializing the the loop to start again
(so it might possibly be a stop/start message as well when using odd signature time?)

So you could have a project on e.g. the DN and per PTN program prg changes to sync with current sequence

Divide an arrangement across a few patterns within a project and have it automatically trigger the desired PTNs on another machine per available midi track?

So: midi trig program changes (for external daisy chaining patterns on a per Trig basis)

Silly stuff, sorry about that

cheers again!


I have done a little of that on DT with loopback, but it is inconsistent I found. But being able to change patterns if the sequencer plays a certain trig would be amazing. Like hold the fill button at a certain point and go to one pattern, or hold it at a different point and go to a different pattern.


yup hot swapping with continuous play (like the polyend Tracker. ofcourse plenty of creative workarounds)

The fill is a nice feature but it also means dedicating those trigs. Especially hard when a sequence is already crowded leaving little room for FILL trigs.

I haven’t really touched that level of micro editing yet, but it most certainly is a skill for Elektron ninjas

Track Dynamics
On any Track’s AMP page, there are 2 parameters which allow the audio level to duck according to the audio level of another track. Parameter 1 selects key input (Track 1-12), Parameter 2 selects depth of effect.

This is a graceful way of implementing both:
• Audio-triggered sidechaining (vs. pseudo-sidechaining requiring a sequencer)
• Choking for hi-hats, etc

Bonus: Parameter 2 doesn’t need 128 discrete values, so it can actually be a collection of 4 different ducking envelope curves each with 32 levels of depth.