The Syntakt Feature Request Thread

I think it’s around -35, but you may need to adjust depending on what you have your Amp Volume set to.

  • FUNC+Encoder on the mixer pages to quickly move from 0 <-> 100 (or is it just me?)

  • configurable MIDI foot pedal for FUNC key :slight_smile: (and/or TRACK key? modifiers? others?)

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Make the FUNC key latching. Like double tap it and it latches and double tap to unlatch.
Do this for all the boxes past and future!



A digital snare machine that sounds like this would be a dream come true - at least for me :wink:


My wishlist for current machines/system setup

  • Dynamic voice allocation like on DN and A4 for 8 digi voices(and maybe for the 3 analog voices?)
  • BRR and SRR per track(2nd filter page?) for digi machines
  • Masterbus compressor like DT
  • Portamento(def for syn engines)
  • Multiple modulation destinations per LFO
  • Dual mono input

nothing outrageous but all things that would dramatically improve my workflow and usability of the Syntakt imho


Kit Library or Kit slot per project like in AR would be perfect to me… i don’t know if it’s possible but it would be terrific.

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Actually, the digital noise component of the analog voice types does pass through the overdrive, however, on the Noise machine, it is only going through it at a lower level. The LEV parameter does not feed enough signal to warrant it to be called an overdrive. Bonus info is that it is the same noise that is used as a component on several of the snare machines (where it passes through the overdrive at a higher level).


So, it does pass through the overdrive, but there is just no control to set the overdrive level on it?

Yes it goes through the overdrive. it is easiest to think of the LEV parameter as a scaled down version of the overdrive parameter. It handles the same signal but at a lower level.

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OK, interesting. I would love to see an overdrive level param on the noise voice, just like on the RYTM. I think high overdrive on the noise voice allows for so many great sound design possibilities. Not sure if this could be addressed in a future OS update but I would love this feature.


After a few days with Syntakt, there are a few things that I would like to see, and a few omissions which confuse me.

Band-pass or similar filter for all machines would be incredibly useful, particularly for filter-pinging with digital machines or for carving out specific frequency bands per track. I keep looking for it and getting a bit irked when it’s missing.

Chorus, like on the Digitone. Everyone loves chorus.

More pattern options - 128-step/ 8-bar patterns while keeping the 16th-note resolution, reverse/ random pattern playback. I know that previous devices have had 64 steps/ 4 bar patterns and it seems like something that Elektron isn’t likely to budge on, but it’s such a hard limit on composition sometimes. Randomization and forward/reverse/ euclidean modes just open some really cool possibilities for generative, esp with the neighbor conditional trigs.

Conditional trig option that randomizes the parameters of a given machine on that step?

Related, conditional trigs for parameter locks that happen every x repeats (Like, increased reverb on a snare set to 2:2, without needing to fudge it with timing adjustments and eating up 2 trigs). You can technically get around this with pattern chaining, but the absence of kits means that you have to make changes across multiple patterns sometimes and it’s a massive pain.

Slides/ portamento - for acid :slightly_smiling_face: And also, just generally useful.


…another great little thought would be, to finally implement the common midi hardware hack, where u feedback the physical midi out back to the physical midi in, into the os directly…

Feeling hopeful about new machines based on the wording of the update notes.

My requests are still largely the same:

  1. New machines - hi hat and snare, user wavetable, actual physical modeling, vocal, possibly granular and definitely a short crunchy sample machine
  2. Parameter Slides
  3. Pattern chain save or song mode
  4. Expand the delay modulation abilities to do flanging/chorusing. Perhaps a switch to enable short delay time

I think with any of these changes, the syntakt would largely satisfy wishes to bring back the Old Machines. Already such a killer device though.


Speaking of filters, the ST has many of them, and at times it has tripped me up.
When on an analog track you don’t have the EQ filters like the digital tracks, and vice versa.
Maybe this was a conscious design choice to make them distinctly different, but I do find myself wondering why it isn’t LP/BP/HP first in the list + the base-width filter for all track types. Then the specialized filters would be further down the list (like the double notch, EQ, etc).

Would love to see the base-width added for analog tracks, and the FX track. Big fan of the base-width filter!


+1 for accessibility options (e.g. latching - from this other thread) and personalised colour blindness profiles.


Not sure if I just need more practice, but it would be nice with an option to make the FX track’s mute state follow another track’s mute state. I’ve been using the FX track to “sidechain” the entire FX block to the kick, but if I mute the kick and forget to mute the FX track, there’ll be heavy ducking without any kicks.

But yeah, I’m gonna see if the problem goes away with enough practice :slight_smile:

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The digital track filters are “just software” that can be any filter Elektron wants us to have and we are lucky that Elektron decied to give us EQ’s and BW filters there too.

The analog tracks have an actual analog filter component on the PCB, which is “as is”, and probably due to space, complexity and costs they just added 1 filter per analog track.

They could have added digital filters too but that would require extra AD -> DA conversion and then we would loose the “analog warmth” :wink: (this is probably also due to space / costs / compexity).

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I want to see new machines too however model cycles never received new machines and new machines might as Elektron see it effect Rytm sales.
I hope I’m wrong.

My guess is you get no new major features whilst sales are flowing, once sales drop off that then prompts Elektron to unleash new major features, after all their a business.

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