The Syntakt ruined everything for me!

I really like the chord machine, but I’ve been trying to make it sound a little less like the chord machine. :smiley: I wish it could get just a touch closer to raw standard waveforms. It gets KIND OF close, but not quite spot on. It would add just enough to make it sound a little more like just playing chords on an analog poly.

Of course, if I’m not using all the tracks I just do poly across multiple tracks with other machines. Works well, just not efficient.

Realizing the topic is straying here, but I’ll admit the chord machine has grown on me.

For me, fast-fading LFO transients (2k to Tune, or slower to a wide inversion strum), p-locking different inversions of a chord to imitate comping, and using a slowish half-cycle LFO on certain stretches of the Wave parameter like a gentle FM envelope … and doubling/panning/detuning or FX block chorus… one or more of these go onto most sounds, and they’ve worked well enough…


Here’s another tip in the chords category: use two tracks and the SY Bits or SY Raw machine, then dial and p-lock the second oscillator into the second note of the chord (eg a 4th or a 5th) and the second track then plays the third and the fourth note. That way you can create much more traditional-sounding chords like a proper sawtooth pad for example - and if you know your chords, this is sometimes even faster than trying to find the right chord using the chords machine.

If you only need three-note chords, you can dial the second oscillator of the first track back to the fundamental for a fatter sounding fundamental, and use the other track for the second and third notes. So, a two-oscillator note for the fundamental and two single-oscillator notes for the other notes in the triad.


They would never do this but imagine how amazing that would be. A couple of sample machines for foley.

If Elektron made a bigger more expensive box with all this in it I would pounce on it.

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chord machine is actually very good for twisted neurofunk type basslines when in unison 4 mode, the waveforms could be sharper and chorus would help very much, but it’s still decent.

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Something with the foot print of a model:cycles, with ST capabilities but added sampling machines would be very welcome.

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