The Virus TI2 desktop made me sell all my synths

I’m also thinking of getting a ti2 darkstar, found a good deal. But it’s hard to decide because I’m also thinking of getting a Montage. And can’t get both. You really like the Ti2 that much?

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You really oughta test one out a bit first if you can. I definitely prefer the form factor.

For me it was TI desktop vs P12, i went to music store to try both, and went with the DSI P12, no regrets, and no lust for the TI. I dont have the feeling the P12 replaces the Analog 4 tough, different sounds and possibilitys.

I love FMs so I’ve never been bias but when I want a rumble on the sub I go full analog all day so much character in the hum

I have mixed emotions about the Curtis filters, but I’ve always wanted to mess with one after the linear FM update.

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Dave smith for me as far as analog goes … also down the cruel money gobbling path with the modular rabbit hole
I will never forget the day one of my mentors told me don’t do it you will be broke & never finish anything because you are too busy fucking around with beeps and bops lmao


So random I was just watching this yesterday

I would happily give my virus for that one if u get sick of it holla

Never :slight_smile: Its so nice.

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Agreed I gave up on the software for it within the first month such a mess

Lol well fine

It looks fuckin sick too I must say

Right now, the Peak is the hybrid analog I find most appealing. I admire it, but don’t feel I need it though.


I want that p12 as my paper weight haha
The peak is ugly but great personality

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Using the Virus TI2 in a live rig, I find the ability to EQ each synth part in the box without the need for a mixer very rad. The EQ sounds really good, and is very effective for me.


I use it live I hate how big it is but that is exactly why I like it too I didn’t use it my last show because carrying it around sucks but I’m def using it again my next 2 shows so much easier with all the controls right there

This one rocks, right on controls.


Just get one of these. This case seems like it would make moving it around really easy. The TI2 desktop is smaller than the OB6 desktop, and I like thinking of the TI2 as 16 synths in 1; and not needing a mixer makes things a lot easier too.


The TI is more versatile than Peak, although what they do the same I prefer the sound of the Peak. It has a bigger, rounder sound than the Virus, no doubt due to its analog path.

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