"Things were easier back when I was young ..."


I would never go back to all the nostalgic things mentioned in this thread. Things are not just easier now, but also cheaper. It is easier to get lost in options but if you can keep your head above that, things are great! :slight_smile:



Cx5mā€¦ The reason why I now have a digitone.


Ho ! Im not alone :slight_smile:
Im the only one at my job who doesnt have a cell phone and sometime i feel like im some kind of neanderthal man (im only 40).


Yeah I had one of those as well. I kind of wish I still had it.

The first sequencer I had was a Brother PDC 100. OMG that thing was miserable for sequencing, thanks to the constant menu diving.

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took 20 minutes to load from tape ā€¦ but then an insane bass drops in

or some months later
please insert ā€œMonkey Island Disc 12ā€



My first ever sampler for the Atari STE


I still run it occasionally on the Hatari emulator, just for nostalgia. Sometimes I get distracted with Outrun and Buggy Boy though :sunglasses:


nice view my dude

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I hope the girl is OK

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In my childhood, i read countless pages of source code in order to learn programming in ā€œBasicā€ and ā€œPascalā€. I would have done everything to get something like the Internet. The cool thing was that one person could create a whole game. Everything was less complex. Even the good games had such minimalistic graphics, that you had to imagine how the worlds actually look like. A little bit like a book, where the text stimulates the brainā€¦

The kids these days have access to almost all information known to mankind. But most of them are addicted to stupid YouTube content and ā€œsocialā€ media.
I work as a teacher, and i say donā€™t buy your kids smartphones. It has so many negative effects on so many levels. The happiest and the brightest kids are those who donā€™t have a smartphone. Iā€™m actually lucky that i was born in a time, where you meet friends outside and explore the world.

But itā€™s much easier to create music these days. You can get free software, that would have costs thousands of dollars 20-30 years ago. A cheap laptop with only freeware, can probably do much more as a complete studio 30 years ago.

Who knows, we might see AI creating newer versions of itself and Nanobots rearranging our surroundings. Progress isnā€™t linear itā€™s exponential. Singularity is near!

Ps. Will be interesting how the grooveboxes of the future will look like! Maybe you will get a complete studio with all know synthesizer emulations in the size of a Electribe.


This is my first bit of kit, build quality aside it was pretty good.


But a few years afterwards it was fired :joy:

I started out recording and making my own (quite awful) music shananigans using an Akai S20 sampler and a Fostex X28 4 track tape machine - My 8yr old son now has the S20 and itā€™s covered in cute stickers. I was super upset that I never got back my 4track after lending it to a friend for a couple of weeks. I still wish I had it - Iā€™d love to bounce tracks again the old way!


This off-topic thread was the most entertaining thing Iā€™ve read all morning. Iā€™m about to turn 38, which puts me in the group of kids who had to beg their parents to buy a computer so I could use AOL on shitty 28.8 dial-up. I remember trying to use that to play Duke Nukem 3D over the internet, it was mind-blowing, despite the constant dropouts. The seed for computers and programming was probably planted back then. I didnā€™t get into music-making until I was in college, back then it was just 2 turntables and a mixer and speakers that took up half my dorm room. I also bought a mini-disc player toward the end of, or shortly after college - basically right before CDā€™s rendered them obsolete. I might even have it in a box somewhere. I could go on, but I donā€™t want to clog up this thread.


Just for your information, i used to have a modem that was 300/300.
That means 300 bits per second upload and 300 bits download.
Or, alternatively, you could set it to 1200/75, which means you get to download at the space age speed of 1.2 kbps. Awesome! But your upload was 75 bits per second so when you typed anything into the BBS you could hear it being send out and you had to wait for it to show up on the freaking screen.
And of course the internet didnā€™t exist yet as such.

Good old days :slight_smile:


Duke Nukem 3D blew my mind! Such a awesome game! A real milestone in graphics and gameplay, like Half life and Unreal! So many good memories. I remember it likeit was yesterday, when connected my 75mhz Pc to thee internet. It was so slow that you could see how the pictures build up line by line.

Todayā€™s smartphones have more computing power as the rocket that enabled the Mond landing!


I love this ā€¦so many switches and knobsā€¦

Hey now, donā€™t go using those kind of archaic terms around here

EDIT: This just reminded me, I used to play MUDsā€¦ basically text-only precursors to modern online gamesā€¦ You had to use telnet and type out commands and stuff, same thing would happenā€¦ text input would lag out. It really sucked when your modem lagged out and suddenly when it catches up you see some monster came into the room and killed you. :frowning:

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Anyone got the address for the elektron irc :wink: