Thingstone - Track8

Yeah no confirmation yet. If I get any dialogue going from my email to them I will ask.


You may want to ask if the TRS can do L/R split as 2 tracks or if it’s essentially summed to mono in the box.

None of those waveforms appear to be recorded in stereo

The real thing is not as nice looking as I’d hoped, but much nicer than I feared.

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yeah that army peacoat color of the box is kind of a fetish of mine.


The second from top looks like potentially stereo, I don’t know.

It also has that input selector knob which is either letting us select per track and record simultaneous or just letting us record one track at a time.

They need to do simultaneous IMO. But the fact that it has a preamp in is pretty sick for sampling, recording vocals…etc.

Its a mystery machine still in a way. Wait, I found more on Reddit:

There is an “arm record” so maybe it does let us record multiple ins at once.

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Huh, so this is basically an OP-1’s tape machine, but better. I was hoping something like this would happen someday.


I don’t think it can record stereo or maybe it can but those 2 waves are dissimilar. one is a drum track and the other appears to be a mastered sample. The width of it is a lot fatter and not as many dynamics, they’re both white but I don’t think they’re paired. I do wonder about the select also though

I’m just speculating but since the inputs are mic, mono, l/r stereo, I’m assuming it’s an attenuation selector that changes with the type of source. I can’t say for sure, but LR probably either sums left and right together or if it can stereo record will set it to 2 tracks as the destination.

Yeah actually I see 8 lines so it may do the Octatrack thing and just show everything in a mono waveform view. And then maybe when you select one track it expands to stereo.

This is possible, I’d need to see additional views of the UI to know how they have it structured. I have to assume there is more there than just the tracking screen.

There is if you look at that picture I posted, it lists all the screens.

I understand but I just meant the actual layout when you look at that part of the menu since on that paper there’s no option listed for “expand track” or stereo view or anything that would indicate pairing of tracks. I’m not assuming you can’t do it, I just don’t have sufficient information to draw any conclusions about how it would be done or viewed after the fact.

Yeah there are still question marks with this, but I am guessing the Audio Edit screen (the shift screen it mentions) will show more details. Will it show stereo? Not sure. As long as it captures stereo, personally I am fine looking at a single waveform.

I’ll also be interested to know if it offers stereo panning/mixing, one would assume so, but just another one of those question marks as yet to be seen. Should be interesting for sure.

I mean you’re not wrong.


It’s nice to have a box that sends MIDI sync & has a notion of bars/beats and reliably records. I use second-hand Roland VS things for this still sometimes. It’s fun. But those have individual inputs.

It would be cool but weird if this thing had ADAT.

Digital multitracking existed in dedicated hardware before it was integrated into computer software to create the modern DAW. So you could say the same thing about 1990s music software (DAW) engineers being hellbent on reinventing digital multitrack audio (in increasingly convoluted ways).


Who are you talking to though? I use a daw all the time. But I do have hardware i like to record as well.

This looks very cool. Nice find!


Brave device to build in this day and age of DAWs and Ipads!

Fair play to them though, they must be very passionate about their creation.

Best of luck to them, and thanks for giving us another option.


Such a strange design choice. If you’re going to add a second input why not make it another stereo pair (that could work as mono), or better yet 4 inputs that can be used as two stereo pairs or 4 monos. The mic input isn’t even a combo jack.

And if you want to use speakers with it, or run it into a line device like a recorder then you need to run them from a headphone output/amplifier.

The clearly dual-purpose USB too - I feel like you’re going to be spending a lot of time plugging and unplugging cables with this thing.

I want to like it but I’m struggling.

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Honestly I don’t understand this at all. Maybe I’m missing something important or it’s just not for me but others will love it which is also fine :blush: but… is it not just a small computer with a daw? Don’t see what part of the workflow would differ from using my laptop.