Thingstone - Track8

Looks great!

Whats the recording fidelity? Could it be changed for more lo-fi recording?

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It’s an extremely cool product, even if it doesn’t fit the way that I normally work. It looks very easy to navigate with minimal learning, which is a fairly rare occurrence in my opinion. The buttons also look a lot better to use than a touchscreen.

I know this is more of a songwriting tool but I’m wondering if this could be used as a combination midi sequencer/ audio recorder for live music? Could I sequence some gear from it, run the master outs of my mixer through the Track8, and run that to the house? Also, what is the project/ song management structure like?


There is no lo-fi effect.
Recording is done in 48k/16
Internal processing is 32bit float
saved as 48k/16 WAV


You can play back Midi and record Audio at the same time.
Also as a default the Audio Input is sent to the Output (Monitoring)

Each Song/Project consists of an endless (max 5h, wav header restriction) Tape
You can create and name as many projects as you like (as long as they fit onto the 250GB SSD)


Right on, thanks for taking the time to answer! I’m extremely excited to see more about it in the future.

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Theres no estimated price or start of produktion yet right? Its still a prototype im guessing.

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good view of the interface and workflow in this one


It’s still a prototype (4 of the latest hardware revision exist)

I’m now starting with the CE/FCC testing. So it will take at least 1/2 year before I can start the first production run.

For the first batch I plan to have 100 Units produced (that’s the max amount I can afford)

To somewhat break even they’ll probably sell at 1500EUR each.
But I have to see how much the final units cost me. This was just an rough estimate from my suppliers.

The electronic boards are manufactured in Germany, the case comes from Grawart (Poland), Keycaps from Signature Plastics (USA), assembled and tested by me (Germany).


This looks really cool! I switched to producing in hardware from a DAW for same reasons like you mention in the video, also tried iPad and found touch screen to be highly annoying for editing midi in piano roll or basically any work that requires daw-like precision. I wish you success with Track8 and hope that maybe someday in the future there will be V2 with multitrack recording and mixing of all 8 tracks at once. I think lots of dawless synth crowd could be very interested in such device.

Yeah, I guess a software sequencer synced to a separate hardware device over MTC+MMC is still a “DAW” even if it’s not all in the same device. But “DAW software” implies it’s all in the same program.

I still run Atari Notator setups, Amiga Bars’n’Pipes setups, and Mac Opcode Studio Vision setups, among others, so I’m pretty aware. Of those, only Studio Vision is an integrated “DAW” in that it integrates digital audio. Though I did use Bars’n’Pipes with Studio16 software running side-by-side, linked, so actually on the Amiga OS of that time, multitasking running side-by-side was fine. But yeah, on the Amiga, and on MacOS the whole system can easily crash and you can easily lose all your work. Opcode Studio Vision became less stable on OSes above 8.6.

Still, I’ve used Logic, Reaper, Live, Tracktion, Bitwig, Digital Performer, etc., and Studio Vision is the only software DAW where external MIDI+audio feels ‘right’ to me (and I didn’t start using it until it was already old: 2009-2010). I get so frustrated with latency and other issues in the other programs that I have little interest in getting back to it. Sequencing with a dedicated sequencer can be fun, but when trying to record those external instruments back in to the same program that is doing the sequencing becomes a headache. Folks with all software instruments must be having a blast, though.

But I’m sure it’s just me – I’m sure I could try again with Bitwig or Live again, it’s probably better now. I just don’t feel compelled to try sequencing external hardware instruments and then recording them back in using the same program anymore. Every time I try, I’m frustrated and lose a whole evening to it.

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this thing looks unbelievably awesome
thanks for sharing all the details about it here!