Thinking of going back in the box

Madlib could probably make an album using the koala sampler app on his phone that blows away many albums made in 500k studios

Like dilla and other artists who make world class beats with nothing but a roland sp for example they have something money can’t buy, raw talent. In the box, out of the box or whatever they are a great example of taking what you have and using your talent to get the ideas from your head to your speakers.

I wish i had a fraction of their talent :slight_smile:


I’ve been making music on just the iPad for years now, and it’s more than capable. It’s just a different kind of computer after all.

You can record, create, mix, and master. It’s just that you have to do it a little differently. Coming to iOS and expecting to replicate your current methods will lead to frustration.

That said, I switched to Ableton this year, and I’m very happy. The problem with the iPad for me is that you often have to chain a lot of apps together, and those chains often fail. Also, simple things like dragging and dropping samples aren’t universally supported. If you made a mac app where you couldn’t drag audio from the Finder into a DAW timeline, you’d be laughed out of the App Store. On iOS this is SOP.

For me, the best bet on iOS is to stick with one daw-like app and use audio units. Cubasis 3 and beatmaker 3 are good. Beatmaker 3 is pretty amazing, but has some very odd UI and “workflow” choices.

In the end, I tend to use the iPad as a sound source for Ableton, and record the instruments into that.


Oh man, this guy’s videos have become some of my favorites lately. He’s an incredible musician. This is not the kind of stuff I am looking to make, but, wow, he pushes the boundaries of what can be achieved in the DAW with the right skills and tools. It sounds so realistic and period correct. His stuff makes me think anything is possible. He has some pretty killer hardware synth videos too for non-ITB people. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m clearing out a lot of gear this week (with a bit of a push from my wife). Lots up on the auctions as I’m getting my place better setup for teleworking and more time at home. It’s a good time for me personally to be going deeper ITB and a great time to make music! Stay safe everybody.


amazing! :+1:t6: :+1:t6: :+1:t6:

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The great free or donate sweet spot synth ob-xd is out in version 2.1 from disco-dsp
As promised by the developer, automation drawing by knob movement with mouse is working in bitwig. Yeah🕺
( cant test it here with bass station knob assigning…)
I have a big confusion with the several versions of ob-xd from former developer datsound, but every version sounds. Had to do a reinstall after i tried a nightly build for the automation…

Other experience with vcv modular. But at least i found a old 0.6 version somwhere thats working more or less. My noise experiments suddenly sounded like shopping mall background sound after klicking automatic update to 1. something…

I went back in the box yesterday to sequence my SH101. A 32 bar bass line.
At first I was all ‘dammit, Ive forgotten all the keyboard short cuts’. Then I was getting ’ ah, ok, yeah that was it, hey this is pretty cool’. Later I was ‘hmmm, the timing sucks, it doesnt fit the groove of my drum machine’. Not to mention, ‘bloody hell ableton, curse your latency’.

So I spent ages fiddling around with capturing grooves in groove pools and messing with grid resolution and all these fiddly settings. To no avail. All the while pondering the curiosity of abletons apparent inability to send correct midi velocity to my synth.

Then I got my octatrack out… to programme my same 32 bar bassline. Seconds later- because yes, it really was faster doing it in octatrack - I’m jumping around my studio because the bassline grooves properly, the accents are there, and it sounds banging.

:man_shrugging: this doesnt really mean anything. Just sharing my experience. My name is Mike, and I am an Octaholic.


I just put out a Dawless album. I’m thinking about for my next EP(or album) of going back into the box to just come up with something different, that feels different with what I’ve done with hardware. I’ll be honest though, I’m not excited about it. maybe i haven’t found the “Right DAW or Vsts”

one of the things i like about hardware sequencers is sequencing sequencers, (I’ll have a sequencers triggering the start of patterns on other sequencers)

Most DAWs (to me) feel like really fancy multitrack tape machines. Maybe I should give something like Renoise a go.

try tidalcycles. i’m almost not joking. it’s basically a very powerful sequencer. it’s super easy to do polyrhythms, polymeters, euclidean rhythms with it. sequence your daw from tidal. also you can manipulate samples in lots of crazy ways.

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I can never think this deeply. His micromanagement skills are incredible.

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Overbridge brought me back itb and I have say I’m quite impressed. I use it with Ableton live 10 on a MBP 2018 and everything is tight!

Have you watched his other stuff? I’m still totally in awe of him.

Doesn’t Tidalcycles run in Supercollider? I couldn’t even get the thing to make a sound lol

it does, but it’s much easier to get a sound out of it. it’s closer to something like orca

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I started learning synthesis with Ableton DAW and a Push 2 controller and enjoyed it but wanted to use a hardware only system for live jams as carry a computer and controller was a pain for me. I still like using computers for recording and finishing tracks. However, I really enjoy firing up my Elektrons and just chilling in the bedroom or coach with headphones and sketching out ideas or playing with filters, LFO and various sequencer patterns. Both are good for different reasons. The downside for me with software PC DAW is the thousands of plugins and VSTs can get overwhelming. Then again my Elektron A4 and OT have hundreds of samples to choose from as well.

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That’s exactly what I use mine for.


If i knew MaxMSP well enough to make music id be satisfied with, id probably be in the box 99% of the time.
So the main reason I’m here is bc I’m ignorant. Aaaand i like Elektron stuff! :nerd_face:


It’s brilliant. Although not uncommon. Most of film scorings are made ITB.


Bought my first Eurorack a couple of weeks ago, a bit of an impulse buy to house a fairly small video module. Calculated yesterday that filling it up with the modules I want, will cost me 3-4000 euro’s.

Panicked, rushed back to my mac with Ableton, and made a minimal techno track in 3 hours.

Now considering selling ALL my stuff, except my video module (I’ll put it in a pod) and the two models.

Funny how things work :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I find hardware inspires me to try stuff in the box. Vice versa too.

I’ll make a cool patch with my SH01A. Then I’ll be like, “I wonder if I can do this with Ableton’s Analog”

Or, I’ll use Simpler or Sampler to mangle/loop something. Then I’ll be like, “Can I do this with the SP-16 or MPC?”

Rather than an either/or situation - maybe it’s an and/both thing


That’s true. Started with Ableton, then bought hardware and used that for a long time exclusively. When I fired up a daw again to make a track, I was better at it.