Thinking of selling my OT to grab a Digitakt.. questions

Don’t sell OT. Save up (patience :moneybag:) and add DT!


I don’t own a Digitakt but is it not as capable a MIDI sequencer as the OT?

OT has a sick midi arp and 3 LFOs

DT can plock program change per step

Pick your poison


I have owned an OT, but as I used it to sequence my Virus I never used the MIDI arp or LFOs; but thanks for highlighting the difference.

DT can’t do slides on p-locked parameters (including MIDI CC ones). I think OT can.

There’s no slide trigs on the midi tracks but you can bodge it using the arp and overlapping note lengths.

I have both
(DT for a few months)
IMO the Digitakt sounds better faster.
The OT sounds “far away”, DT sounds “in your face” - that’s how I describe it.
Mono samples can, sometimes, be a drag… Worst downside for me.
Still, I’m enjoying it more, it’s a lot of fun, really focused.
I’m using it next to an iPad - currently just for making transition loops, master filters, triggering some long samples - but I might go DT+OT when I come back from vacations

Well after a nice nap yeah I be keeping my OT, the explanations given does seem to make the digtakt a big downgrade for me. Thanks for the help guys

The OT sound never bothered me, I always color it when I export it to a DAW or my SP. Its not a deal breaker as many mention. Sure its nicer, but the difference isn’t as huge as I expected after hearing it side to side.

then we shoud distinguish between studio and live use… I use them to perform live, and I think the Digitakt, with it’s FX and compressor, allows for a “better” sound, IMO of course…

I reaquired a used OT and am very happy!!!

I was hoping it would take me in this direction. Or at least add something to it.

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…most of the more right into ur face sound of the digitakt is exactly because of the MONO only fact…
and even if everbody is saying, the takt has more simplicity in overview and handling, it’s still an elektron machine which means, the basic learning curve is in fact a steep one, anyways…
not sure if the takt suits u way much better, if the ot does’nt already do the trick for u…
before u swap for real, i’d say, force urself to work with the OT ONLY for a few weeks and then decide again…it drives everbody nuts in first place and only THEN comes the real AHA, now we’re talking effect…

nooooo don’t do this, seen lots of people have regrets

Totally deleted my old post. Anyway. I was hoping the OT would take me in this direction. I’ll keep exploring.