Time signature / rhythm cheat sheet

I created a cheat-sheet that helps to map “musical” time signatures to the AR sequencer.

Here it is: http://pastebin.com/1SQ5SsgS (“time_signatures_cur.txt”)

For each time signature, the document lists the pattern length (number of steps) and speed setting.

It also shows the number of beats per step, the note-length per step, and how many bars fit into one pattern.

Often there are multiple choices, e.g. there are 11 different ways to set up a “4/4” rhythm.

As you can notice, not every time signature is currently possible.

That’s because the following speed settings are not available:
“5/2x”, “5/4x”, “5/8x”, “7/4x”, “7/2x”, “7x”, “9/4x”, “9/2x”.

This is how it would look like if those speed settings were available:
http://pastebin.com/4YKg3AT4 (“time_signatures_ext.txt”)


Hey cool thanks for your work !!