Tips and Tricks for the Performance Mode

I get what you’re saying, never noticed if it worked like that.
Definitely trying it when I get home, this would indeed be really handy.
Do you remember if pushing the encoders vs turning them activates it?

I tried to reproduce what you described, usual behavior for me. I tried moving a macro with T1 only, with T4 selected. Level knob changed T4 only. Maybe I missed something…

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Hi, just got my Analog4 MKI and it’s amazing!
I’m now messing around with performance mode so I think I shouldn’t be out of topic here…

Here’s the thing: Let’s say I’m on pattern A1 using (Kit1) and I’ve just pumped tracks with delay, reverb and whatever through the knobs on performance mode and I want to move to pattern A2 (Kit2) which is different and more chilled.
So, after the previous build up, as soon as I move to pattern A2 (Kit2) everything gets more relaxed.
Now if I get back to pattern A1 (Kit1) I will find the previous performance mode settings still banging on and this is really annoying as I need pattern A1 to be set back to normal and not screaming.
Because the two patterns use a different kit how can I reload the kit on pattern A1 when I’m on pattern A2?

Does it make sense to you?:thinking:

There’s an Auto Reload setting after a pattern change.


Hey thanks! That would do the job…
Where is that?

Global > Sequencer Config

You legend:100:

That’s a global setting, so it will affect all kits in the project, thus kits will always reload when you change to another one.

So be extra careful with saving when building patterns, sounds and kits. Easy to accidentially reload a kit with auto reload on losing changes you made.



I wonder if anyone has created a usable macro-voice yet?

Meaning that you map your macros in such a way, that you can make drastic changes to your synth voice…but still keep it in a usable realm. If that makes any sense.
Basically a quick way to try out new sounds without changing parameters on 10 different pages. Similar to the OP-1’s 4 “macro” encoders per synth.

I would love to see some examples of this, if it exists.


Is there any way to reverse direction on the performance macros, i.e. when you turn up macro A it would turn down the parameter (instead of up)? For some reason I assumed you could just like Ableton’s macros, but I can’t see a way yet

Yes you just set the amount to negative amounts, you could for example turn reverb send down whilst increasing filter cutoff.

A simple trick I use is when you go to edit the performance macro turn it up to it’s full amount and then edit the controls so you can set the maximum amount and hear it straight away. Can get some really drastic changes this way.