To Soundcloud or not to Soundcloud?

Yeah. Till we switch to a system where we let everyone have what they need we can t expect Soundcloud etc to run all these servers for us for free. I don t like how it s done, but I understand something has to be done to generate income.

Alonetone seems like a good (enough) alternative. I will try it if I ever feel the need to upload something again.
I think it still doesn’t have an embed audio player for external websites, unfortunately, but otherwise seems great.

I already left SoundCloud some months ago.
After using it for more than a decade (since beta) I was a bit sad to delete my account - but anyway surely it was not the same website at all anymore.

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I do too.
But as a creator, I generate 32x more listening from other people than I actually listen to SoundCloud.
Let’s keep in mind that without the creators, SoundCloud is an empty shell.

More than this, I’m actually paying them because I actually want to support them.
I even contribute to fighting the evil spam that clutter their platform, that’s how I can’t stand advertising.

Regarding YT, I uninstalled the iOS application the day a nice and long ambient track was cut in the middle by an advertising. Advertising between the tracks is already a PITA, but cutting a track is a no-go for me.
Brave web browser takes care of advertising, so I can still use YT. Otherwise I would just make without.

SoundCloud is this close to get out of my life.

It might not be totally an alternative, but I do support bandcamp, I really like their approach.


Does Bandcamp let you take the same approach with having your own playlists that are private, etc?
This is what I do like about Soundcamp… it’s enabled me to categorise a lot of different projects that I work on in parallel.

it’s frustrating dealing with advertising annoyances on services for which you’ve already paid. i haven’t seen much of that on soundcloud but am annoyed by all the spammers. to be viable, services like these have to change money to keep running. the revenue models are either paid or ad supported. if someone comes up with a better model, millions of people would be interested.

haven’t checked it myself but recently became aware of this platform:

Nope. You can only add to favorites and listen by album, although there are official playlists.
It’s just not an alternative, something else diffrently.


soundcloud is one of the two big streaming farms that are trying to establish the user centrified paymodel…which is, once all streamingfarms finally can agree on this, and that day will come, the point where serious sonic creators can actually really start to make a living from streaming…

i know some of the guys who invented soundcloud…they were truu early adopter inventor nerds to what it’s ALL at right now…they gave me a special account in the zero years and, shame on me, i never used it for any releasing…hmmmpf.
could’nt see the truu future purpose of it back then…

and hey, billie eylish released her very first song “ocean eyes” on soundcloud…THAT started her whole around the globe fame thing…!!!
speaking of which and by the way, anybody seen the latest bond movie already…?.. :wink:

at least for dropping personal mixtapes, soundcloud is with no doubt the best option out there to find…

for everyone who wants to release but want to avoid the other big streaming farms for whatever reason, a soundcloud profile and one on bandcamp is pretty much a must…

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I like soundcloud and have a paying subscribtion since a few years - really worth it. I wishit would support HD codec , but besides that its very good.