Tom Oberheim & Dave Smith OB6

I don’t think so… but would love to be proved wrong !

Same :blush:

Not really, but OSC1 reset with OSC Sync is there.
Last Key Retrig doesn’t reset the OSC cycle.

You mean with OSC sync between OSC 1 and 2?

Yeah, I am wishing for reset especially in a configuration where OSC 2 modulates OSC1 and does a rhythmic pattern.

Too bad but not too bad :blush:


OB6 and Dub Techno. The continuously variable filter is a dream.


a couple of other loops with the OB6 and Alphabase :slight_smile:


After waiting more than two months, my backordered OB-6 Desktop has finally shipped. Needless to say, I am eager for its arrival.


It’s totally worth it. I got mine not too long ago and I don’t know why I waited so long!


If I had to keep only one synth it and get rid of all the others would be the OB-6.


My OB-6 Desktop arrived yesterday to join his fellow bros, a Prophet 6 Desktop and Prophet Rev2 Desktop.

Now, if Sequential would do me a solid and re-issue the Prophet 12 Desktop, it would be much appreciated.


That’s a lot of Prophets!

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what, no Prophet 5 rev4?



The thought has crossed my mind. Maybe one day. :man_dancing:

I have almost the same trinity, but P08 instead of Rev2.
These are probably my favorite synths of all time.

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Interesting. I noticed that my OB-6 Desktop front panel states “Oberheim” instead of Tom’s signature.

Where I purchased the synth, the OB-6 is now labeled as an Oberheim product and no longer Sequential as when I initially purchased it. Did the rights to the product revert to Oberheim after Dave’s passing?


A bit before.


I recall reading about that a while ago, but did not realize it had an impact on the OB-6. Thanks.

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so, there may be three versions of the graphics for the keyed version…?

the original had Dave Smith Instruments and Tom’s signature on it (I have this, so I can confirm it exists). there’s another version of that with the Sequential badge and Tom’s signature (photos of this are on the Sequential site). so maybe now there’s a third version with Sequential and Oberheim badges…? I can’t find pics of this version with keys, but the module pic above suggests it exists.

they’re all the same internally, of course. it’s just kind of funny and a bit of synth history that there’d be three variants of the same synth. you can choose which you’d prefer if after a used one, I guess. I like having the one that has Dave’s name and Tom’s signature on it.

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a little unpretentious dub techno jam yesterday evening :