Toraiz Squid multitrack sequencer

New one arrived, and I just gave it a quick spin, controlling the Rytm. Early experiences were fantastic! Lots of lovely surprises and easy ability to embed a human touch into the performance. Looking forward to making a track in earnest!



Which firmware version is your SQUID running?
The firmware change history includes a cryptic comment about updated “MIDI message settings for Program Change and Bank Select” in version 1.10; version 1.12 appears to be the latest update.

What settings have you made in the [MIDI IN] global settings for the SQUID?

Edit to add: Ignore this question; I’m asking the wrong question; see below.

Current settings are:

Sync = receive
Start/stop = disabled
Rec channel = MIDI ch.all

My apologies; I previously misread your post as asking about reception of PC messages on the SQUID when in fact you are asking about sending Program Change messages.

You do need to make sure that your SQUID is running the latest firmware version.

Ensure that you’re using the appropriate MIDI Out port (1 or 2).

In there Track settings:

  • Note which channel number you have set on the Track where you’re setting the PC messages.
  • Set the Program Change number.
  • There should be no need to set anything for Bank Select because the AF will ignore these messages.

In the GLOBAL > MIDI OUT settings, set the OUT1 or OUT2 mode (as applicable) to be “OUT”.

In the example of the Analog Four, you need to make sure that the following are set in the Analog Four’s GLOBAL > MIDI CONFIG menus:

  • In the SYNC menu, activate PROG CH RECEIVE,
  • In the PORT CONFIG menu, set INPUT FROM to “MIDI”,
  • In the CHANNELS menu, if you are setting PROG CH IN CHANNEL to “AUTO” then set AUTO CHANNEL to match the channel number that the SQUID is sending on.

Thanks a lot! Something is happening, if I switch from Program change 000 to 001, the track sound is jumping from the init sound to the sound I had loaded on that track. Not sure where I should load other sounds so I can select Program Change slot 002 and beyond, now these all stay the same as the loaded track sound. I tried to fill the Sound pool on the AF, but that did not help.

Besides this with the AUTO CHANNEL set to the channel from the Squid track, I’m only able to use 1 midi channel for Program Changes with the Squid, but ideal I would be able to change all 4 AF tracks to other sounds from the Squid via program change.

Tips or solutions, much appreciated!

On the AF and DT, an incoming MIDI Program Change message will select a pattern.

Each pattern has an associated Kit, so the sounds selected will be the ones in the Kit that is linked to the pattern.


Is anyone aware of a DAW-based sequencer (VST, Max for Live, etc.) that can pull off some of the same tricks as the Squid? I love what I can do to patterns with the Squid’s speed modulation, just want to have that more immediately available on the computer.


I’ve been wondering this too…

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This is even better then I hoped!! Works great, keeping 4 instruments that belong together when you switch to another program on one of the Elektron’s. For AR even 12!

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for those that own the Squid, what’s the build quality like? does it feel good when using it?

It’s plastic but the build quality still feels good pads and knobs feel good…
The coating attracts fingerprints and dust though…
It’s not as good as an Elektron box but better than a Roland tr8…


It feels really great, yeah. Plastic but solid. Pads feel fantastic. Clicky buttons.

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I much prefer clicky buttons as opposed to the squidgy sort. I’d really like to try out this sequencer, looks fun.

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My first track with the Squid. I love this sequencer. I’m also really looking forward to using it with Eurorack, too!


Nice :+1:

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Really enjoyed that - nice work.

Well, your song sent me off down a rabbit hole of Squid videos, eventually convincing me to get one, which turned up this afternoon!

A couple of hours in and I absolutely love it - finally a sequencer I feel I can perform with. Only hooked it up to my old Little Phatty and the modular so far and I’m having a ball. So many unexpected melodies tumbling out of this thing.

Having read up on the limitations, they don’t worry me. It already does a whole lot more than any other sequencer I’ve owned and it definitely clicks with the way I do melodic sequencing. Probably still prefer the Rytm sequencer and conditional trigs for drums though.

And, at last, something that outputs a really tight clock! No more grumbles about it being “unstable” from Pam’s New Workout. :slight_smile:


Yeah, it really is a special sequencer. I’m really looking forward to running some Eurorack with it, too! Glad I could help.

You’ve all got me going down the rabbit hole on all things Squid. Which in all likelihood if I’m this far along means I’ll get one soon to try out. I’d really be looking at it primarily as a midi frontend to Bitwig rather than an entirely standalone solution. Of course, I’d be using it with some hardware synths too.

I’ve never really been into dedicated hardware sequencers (outside of ones built into Elektron, SP-16, etc). I always preferred to use a DAW, but now I’m starting to see the light and wanting to try something new. Sometimes it takes me a year or twenty to come around to a different workflow. :laughing:

I ordered a Cirklon earlier this year, but that’s going to be a couple years out at best, so I figure the Squid is a good gateway into an external sequencer and middle ground while still using the DAW and ability to do some amount of standalone duties (understanding the limitations) . If I don’t like the external workflow at all, then that’s probably an indicator that I’m not going to like the Cirklon either, but I completely realize they’re very different animals even though both ‘sequencers’.