Track level knob

Hey! Hello, I’ve bought the new Analog Rytm MKII, and I pretty happy with it, i think it’s a perfect drum machine, but I’ve experienced a bad behavior with the track level knob. I don’t know if it is my unit or is the same for all, but when I want to adjust the level of a track precisely it’s very difficult and easily jumps a lot of values. When I compare this with the DT and DN, doesn’t happen, you can easily raise and down values in a constant way.

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Same behavior on mine. I’m used to it.

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Same here. It needs calibrating with a firmware update imo. It goes crazy fast through the values with the slightest of turns.

Edit: I’m going to send a support ticket so they’re aware of it.

Edit: Done :white_check_mark:


Okay thank you very much for the answers, I was worried that it was a problem with my unit. Glad to see It’s not, probably this will be solved soon