Transferring sounds to the A4 over multiple banks?

I was loading up sounds onto my A4 last night to specific banks and I noticed that when I hit the end of a bank (if I loaded a few different soundsets that equaled over 256 sounds) it just stopped instead of spilling over to the next bank. Is there any way to get it to spill over?

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You should instead of choosing a slot bank, opt for Anywhere … it will fill until all are stored.
A good way to get something mathematic is to use the SoundPool as a way to make Your personal favorites of 128 (X times X128 organized or favorites). You send in your sound pool only the sounds you want to keep. And you make a Sysex Dump. Repeat that process until you have selected only the sounds you like. Empty the machine and reimport exactly in the slots you want.

That way can used as well to make an organization by sounds nature like Drums first, Bass then, Lead then etc…

You can also TAG the sounds and filter based on the Favorite TAG

The problem with this is that, I have a few banks that are dedicated to specific things. Banks A and B, for example, are ONLY for sounds that I’ve either edited or created myself. I don’t want other stuff filling up that bank. If I do the Anywhere option, it will fill up those empty slots first that I am saving for use later on.

Though, I guess I could take your idea and just copy stuff and export them as the banks. I wish there was a way to unpack all the full sysex packs to see what sounds are in them and just do it that way. Oh well.

I also wish there was a better sysex manager for the A4 that showed the contents of each package before it got uploaded.


Sorry I probably edited while your write. So then use the Soundpool technique to make strictly 128 Sounds group and then reimport it. What’s nice about it is it’s order by your choice and not ordered alphabetically :wink:

That’s how I done the LOWEND 101 Sound Bank

Yeah. I think I need to reorganize my A4 stuff.

Anyone know of a sysex manager that would unpack the files before the A4 gets them so they can be labeled and reorganized?

Yeah. it’s the oldschol sysex man :slight_smile:
Problem is for separate sounds, like I’ve done with LOWEND is you have to sysex dump one by one. if you have a excel table with your 128 sounds by name… and you have your my file 01.sysex ; my file 02.sysex then you just have to copy paste 01_BassCHIGACO.sysex etc… from your excel table to the core file name of the file.

But simply with the Patches list and the number generated by C6 when it’s received one by one you know already which one is…

i do think the most simple is to reorganized by sending to the pool according to how your want to reorganize. Dump it then empty the machine, reimport it in a bank - 2 by 2… (256) so to be clear organized as much as you can on the machine itself rather to try to organize on the computer desktop

No neep to core rename as when reimporting you will get the original name and tags coming back.

Gotcha. Yeah. That’s a lot of damn work. Hahaha. Ok. Thanks!

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I was wondering… my Bank C is empty and is it possible to upload syx files to this specific sound bank? (Bank C for example)?