I´m almost 100% certain that the short answer would be: no.
Whereever I´m looking I can´t see any parameter related to the mixer/routing that allows you to setup anything specific per trig. Just for recorder trig and the inputs. But don´t take my word on that, maybe I´m missing something here. Or the wizards may have some nifty workaround they´ll share…
It would be an interesting feature if it were added though.
This would definitely be a useful feature to have, especially if there was a send amount so you could use the cues as fx sends dynamically in a pattern. Maybe send a feature request to Elektron HQ?
I know it’s been asked for a thousand times but damn it … this is the top of my peeve list for the Octa. Come on devs, how hard could it be to let us param lock the cue amount of a track?