Hi everyone!
I have recently been trying to setup a sidechain compression in OT. I was using lfo on the compressed track with trig setup to ONE and shape set to IEXP controlling the volume of the track. Then I was setting the triggerless trigs invoke the sidechain on the steps where the kick was playing on the Analog Rytm. This was working perfectly for 1 track, but on the other one my kick patterns are triggering with some probability and I cannot preset the triggerless trigs anymore. What I was hoping to do is to use the midi from the kick on the Analog rytm to trigger triggerless trigs on my bass track and this way to invoke the sidechain. Does anyone know how to setup the midi on AR and OT in such a way that midi output from AR triggers the LFO on OT? I would really appreciate some advice on the midi setup…
AR doesn’t send midi data with it’s sequencer.
You can use an OT midi track that would trigger the AR kick, and control OT lfo’s depth (CC31?).
You’re bass line should be on the same midi channel as the AR kick. The note controlling AR kck shouldn’t trigger the bass notes.
Midi setup :
OT Out > OT In, OT Thru > AR In
@sezare56 with the new OS update, it seems like we can output MIDI from analog Rytm back to OT, right? If it is the case, could you help with the midi setup on the devices? Thanks in advance!
Wasn’t sending!
By default, OT audio tracks channels are 1-8, so you can use AR 1-8 tracks, enabling midi in TRIG SETUP.
Check OT manual appendix C Note mapping.
AR notes start at C0, OT at C-1, there’s 1 octave difference.
Btw AR sequencer seems 2 octaves too high compared to Pads.
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Awesome! Thanks a lot! I will try it out at home