Triggin' tracks

Hi all,

There is something I really don’t get about trigging tracks manually and I read the manual but things look like not working properly here.

In the pattern settigns T1 is set to ‘play free’ + Trig mode ‘one2’ + Trig quant 16/16 (or 32/16 or 64/16).

But then, while the pattern is running, when I hit the T1 trig (step #9) or T1 + [play] it behaves like nothing is setup there and it trigs immediately (like if trig quantize was set to ‘direct’) and if I hit several times the button it relaunches from start like if trig mode was set to ‘one’.

What am I missing here so it behaves as supposed ie. quantized trigged?

Thanks for feedback!

I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to do. So we should take each piece one by one.

As I understand “plays free”. Hitting trigs manually will playback that track immediately. Sequencer on the other hand are disconnected to that track so its trigs in its grid won’t play the track. But you want to do?

I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to do. So we should take each piece one by one.

As I understand “plays free”. Hitting trigs manually will playback that track immediately. Sequencer on the other hand are disconnected to that track so its trigs in its grid won’t play the track. But you want to do?[/quote]
Thanks for the quick reply.
I just want to be able to trig tracks but in a quantized fashion.

So maybe I don’t need to set ‘plays free’, but at the moment the track triggers directly when I hit the button (so unquantized) and if I hit it again it will relaunch, but i’d like it to stop ('one2).

Hi ozu !

Does the sequencer is running?

Because PlaysFree quantizes when the sequencer is going.

Otherwise it doesn’t know when to quantize in respect of what…


oh wait! …i see you’re using trig 9…

For T1 behaving PlaysFree you have to use trig 1.
(trigs 1>8 are dedicated to PlaysFree tracks…even if the normal ones 9>16 continue to work normally)

Hi sicijk !
Yes it is running!

Shiiiit you’re right thanks a lot !
works properly now :slight_smile:
Ok but, then I cannot use the T1 + [play] or T1 + [stop] shortcuts ?
I absolutely need to be in the tracks mode to be able to do this ?
thanks again

which Track Mode?

Those shortcuts -i believe- will work, but momentary…what dictates the rules is the PlaysFree mode (ONE2 in your case)

Set the Trig Mode to ONE, and if you’ve placed a trigger in the track, it will then play quantized.


Set the Trig Mode to ONE, and if you’ve placed a trigger in the track, it will then play quantized.[/quote]

Do you know if (and which) any pattern settings that leads to the behaviour that are being discussed here:

Starting to think that the issues in these two threads could be somewhat related…

That’s a new one on me…will have to give that some thought…meanwhile, someone else might know.