Trigless Trigs + Locking Samples + LFOs


I’ve been casually wondering about this until it finally pissed me off enough this evening - I seek your knowledge :slight_smile:

In a nutshell, I’m wondering why the OT’s sequencer allows you to sample lock trigless trigs. Hear me out on this one…

This evening, I was looking at the possibility of having an LFO trigger samples that aren’t, by default, assigned to a given track. In this example, this particular track is set up to trigger slices.

I was imagining an scenario, with an amp setting of R+T, where an LFO, presumably in Hold mode but I suppose it could be others, would affect a trigless trig that was locked to another sample’s slice, say static sample slot 71, slice 3.

Only this trigless trig would be “depth locked” to the LFO in question. Alas, this does not work in the above scenario.

I do wonder: why is this not possible? I realize that a trigless trig isn’t a sample trig, so this would be the most obvious answer as to why it won’t work, but under the presumption of an LFO’s ability to be “trigged” by trigless trigs, as long as the envelope settings are dialed in correctly, why doesn’t it work for triggering the slice of sample that isn’t assigned to a track?

This brings me around to my next, sub-question. What’s the point, from the sequencer’s design, of being able to sample lock trigless trigs?

Sidenote: I know this isn’t possible, but it would be soooo cool if Trigless Trigs, via an LFO, could be used to trigger non-default track samples in “Slot Mode”.


I’m definitely missing something here, and I look forward to learning from you guys.

Thanks a bundle for taking the time.


Putting 2) aside, can you explain why you don’t use trigs for 1) ? Despite the detail, i’m missing something about why, if not what…

Sample trigs is the obvious answer. I get that. That sort completely disregards my inquiry, however. This is about trigless trigs, and what I perceive as an added bit of flexibility of what is played back on the sequencer. Flexibility in regards to it not only being trigged via LFOs, but also in the amp settings.

There’s method to the madness here.

And yes, there’s always a workaround. This isn’t a limitation by any means. It’s simply a theoretical question that I was hoping someone could shed some light on.

I can only speak for myself, but your question doesn’t make much sense, let’s take this one

I was looking at the possibility of having an LFO trigger samples

What does that mean, i guess i think you need to be much clearer in your wording
Forget about why Elektron allow you to assign a sample lock, remember trigs can be dynamically converted from all sorts to all sorts so there is good reason for retaining flexibility

What do you want to do ? What is it you think this question (that which you think you are missing) will facilitate ?

If you continue on with the quote of my original post, it states that it’s about the possibility of LFOs triggering non-default track samples via trigless trigs.

I don’t forget about the “why” in any machine - it’s very important to me and my process. I turn to all of you guys who have a much deeper understanding of this machine to share your knowledge so I can further my understanding and explore all of its possibilities.

Dumb, pointless, or vaguely worded questions all have their place, and it’s usually within this context that valuable information is shared.

Anyway…it’s intriguing to me to think about the possibility of an LFO triggering non-default samples via trigless trigs. If it’s possible, it could be an added dimension of flexibility, not to mention the ability to manually trig the LFO via FUNCTION + Track.

I may be missing something, but after a quick reread of the manual, Trigless Trigs do not Trig machines (e.g. Flex, Static). The machine may let you lock a different sample in the Trigless Trig, but it will not Trig the machine, so I don’t think it would have any effect.

So I guess I have to agree with avantronica and ask what you are trying to accomplish.

grr i’m out, i’m not challenging your aspirations or dampening your creativity, i’m asking you to use the right lingo - an LFO can’t trig a f’n sample, let’s not get bogged down in semantics

what do you want to discover, what don’t you get, if you can’t word it clearly you’ll get nothing back - i’m not saying “why would ya make a beat in 5/4” - i’m not a tool (i like left field thoughts), you just aren’t making any sense by being ambiguous and slippery with it

I say mine.

I would use SampleChain with LFO on STRT(slice) .
This would require some preparations…


Resample a sample-locks sequence of your taste > then Slice it > then use that LFO :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

One more step in the action-list sometime is not desired, but let you get to OT’s nuances faster in other scenarios/workarounds

Thanks Sicijk and everyone for chiming in.