I’ve been casually wondering about this until it finally pissed me off enough this evening - I seek your knowledge
In a nutshell, I’m wondering why the OT’s sequencer allows you to sample lock trigless trigs. Hear me out on this one…
This evening, I was looking at the possibility of having an LFO trigger samples that aren’t, by default, assigned to a given track. In this example, this particular track is set up to trigger slices.
I was imagining an scenario, with an amp setting of R+T, where an LFO, presumably in Hold mode but I suppose it could be others, would affect a trigless trig that was locked to another sample’s slice, say static sample slot 71, slice 3.
Only this trigless trig would be “depth locked” to the LFO in question. Alas, this does not work in the above scenario.
I do wonder: why is this not possible? I realize that a trigless trig isn’t a sample trig, so this would be the most obvious answer as to why it won’t work, but under the presumption of an LFO’s ability to be “trigged” by trigless trigs, as long as the envelope settings are dialed in correctly, why doesn’t it work for triggering the slice of sample that isn’t assigned to a track?
This brings me around to my next, sub-question. What’s the point, from the sequencer’s design, of being able to sample lock trigless trigs?
Sidenote: I know this isn’t possible, but it would be soooo cool if Trigless Trigs, via an LFO, could be used to trigger non-default track samples in “Slot Mode”.
I’m definitely missing something here, and I look forward to learning from you guys.
Thanks a bundle for taking the time.